Two healthy camels and Sincere Salat

Two healthy camels were brought for the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.a.). Holy
Prophet (s.a.) turned towards his followers and announced:
"Can anyone among you prays two rak'ats with sincerity and worldly thoughts
does not enter his mind while doing so? I will reward him with one of these
camels." None of them spoke, there was still silence. He repeated this a few
times. But, the companions did not move from their place.

Ali (a.s.), stood up and accepted this challenge saying,"I will perform such
kind of Salaat."Holy Prophet (s.a.) replied: "Nice, go on."Hazrat Ali (a.s.)
started his Salaat. While he was performing it and was near completion.
 Jibraeel descended to the Holy Prophet (s.a.) and whispered to him that
Allah the Almighty says that to give a camel to Ali.

Holy Prophet said to Jibraeel: "My condition was, that during the
performance of Salaat the world should not come into the mind, but, when Ali
was in Tashah-hud, he was thinking that which healthy camel he will select.

"Jibraeel said:"Allah the Almighty says that Ali was thinking for the
healthier camel so that he can slaughter it and distribute its meat to the
needy and the destitute. His intention was for Allah and not for himself nor
for this world."Holy Prophet (s.a.) handed over both the camels to Hazrat
Ali (a.s.). Allah praised Ali (a.s.) in the following ayat:" "

 The Holy Prophet (said): "Anyone who performs two rak'ats of Salaat and
does'nt bring the worldly thoughts in his mind, Allah is satisfied with him
and He forgives all his sins."


* فبای الاء ربکما تکذبن.*





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