For the birth of Ali (a s ), Smile of the Wall
of  Khana e Kaabah  Mauloud e
Maula Mubarak (Felicitations) By Farah Mehdavi

>From the reliable sunni and shia narrators Amiral Momeneen Hazrat Ali(a s ) 
>was born on the 13 th of Rajab ul murajjab 30 years after Aamal feel ( year of 
>Elephant ) inside the Khana e Kaabah in the city of Makkah .Arab historians 
>have written that when the mother of Ameeral Momeneenfelt that the time of 
>delivery has reached, she came at the door ofKhana e Kaabah and started 
>praying to the Allah almighty, She said: “O Sustainer , I have full faith in 
>you and in all the Prophets and all the Books sent by You and also in the 
>Trustee of the building of this house of Yours, my great Grand Father Hazrat 
>Ebraheem (a s ) . O my Sustainer I beg you in charity of this person who built 
>this house for you and in charity of this unborn child which is in my custody 
>in my belly, kindly make his birth easy for me “. Even the prayers of the lady 
>were not yet
complete when a large crack appeared in the wall and it slit open and allowed
Fatemah Binte Asad to let her in and she disappeared from the view of the crowd
of bystanders and the pilgrims. Peoples present at the venue of the holy masjid
were frightened of her sudden disappearance and tried very hard to open the
lock of the door but it did not open and they could ultimately assumed that it
is some kind of strange incidence and something unique is going to happen and
this is surely on the Allah's will. The crack which had opened up for the entry 
of the mother of Ameer al momeneen (a s) is called "mustajar" and is attached 
with the Yamani member. From then till now, 1442 years have passed and the 
Khana e Kaabah was
rebuilt several times so much so that its stones were also changed to some
extent but even then the crack is still visible despite it was not only
rebuilt, even stones were changed. But it has not forgotten   its Smile and 
there still exist very clear
marks of opening and re closing . 


(Translated from Urdu by Zaheer Husain Khan)

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