On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 8:23 AM, Miss Kazmi <misskazm...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  *Was Abu Talib (as) a Kafir? (Naozbillah)*
> Hazrat Abu Talib (as) was the son of Hazrat Abdul-Muttalib (as); the father
> of Imam Ali (as) *&* the paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet (saww).
>   According to historians, his real name was *‘Imraan. *Ayatullah Shaykh
> Ja’ffar Sub-hani in his book ‘The Message’ writes that: *Sometimes it is
> said that the real name of Abu Talib was ‘Imraan. Some scholars are of the
> view that Abu Talib was his real name and not his kunniyyah.*
> **
> **
> **
> One of the greatest accusations levelled against Abu Talib (as) by the
> non-Shia’h is that he died as a *Kafir *meaning as ‘a pagan’. They have
> based their opinion on this narration that:
>  *[*When Abu Talib was on his deathbed, the Holy Prophet (saww) went to
> him while Abu Jahl was sitting beside him. The Holy Prophet (saww) said to
> him:
> *“O Uncle! Say LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH – an expression with which I will
> defend your case before Allah (SWT)”.** Abu Jahl and Abdullah bin Umayyah
> said, “O Abu Talib! Will you leave the religion of Abdul-Muttalib?” They
> kept saying this till Abu Talib’s last statement was, “I am on the religion
> of Abdul-Muttalib”. So the Holy Prophet (saww) said, “I will keep asking
> Allah for your forgiveness unless I am forbidden to do so”. Thereupon,
> verse 113 of Surah al-Tawbah was revealed, in which Allah (SWT) says, “It
> does not befit the Prophet and the believers to ask Allah’s forgiveness for
> the pagans, even if they were their near relatives, after it has become
> clear to them that they are the dwellers of Hellfire”.]*
> *(Sahih al-Bukhari)*
> **
> The non-Shia’h Muslims also have this false narration recorded in their
> books that:
>  *[*Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib said to the Prophet, “You have not been of
> any benefit to your uncle Abu Talib (though) by Allah, he protected you and
> used to become angry for your sake”. The Holy Prophet (saww) said, *“He is
> in shallow fire, and had it not been for me, he would have been in the
> bottom of Hellfire”. ]*
> *(Sahih al-Bukhari)*
> **
>  There are many points – historical as well as logical – that prove that
> Abu Talib (as) was NOT a pagan. He was a Muslim and also died as a Muslim!
> The verse:
> *“It does not befit the Prophet and the believers to ask Allah’s
> forgiveness for the pagans, even if they were their near relatives, after it
> has become clear to them that they are the dwellers of Hellfire”.**
>  (9:113)*
> **
> This verse was not revealed for Abu Talib (as). How can this be
> established?
>  1.      Hazrat Abu Talib (as) had passed away in Makkah before Hijrah
> whereas this verse is of Surah al-Tawbah and it was revealed in the 9th year
> of Hijrah. The long gap between the two shows that there is no connection
> between them.
>  2.      Only one person has reported the narration, which states that
> this Ayah was revealed for Abu Talib, and that is Sa’eed bin Musayyab. This
> man is such that he cannot be relied upon. One account of his life in which
> Sa’eed himself has declared his affiliation to the worst people is:
>  *[*Imam Zaynul-‘Aabideen (as) had passed away. Sa’eed bin Musayyab
> happened to be alive and he also passed by the place where the funeral of
> Imam (as) was being attended. Sa’eed did not participate in Imam (as)’s
> funeral prayer. When people asked him in sarcasm, “Do you pray behind Hajjaj
> (the most evil and cruel ruler)?” Sa’eed boastfully replied, “We even pray
> behind worst people then Hajjaj”.*] (Tafseer-e-Namoona)*
> **
> Therefore, how can we rely on the authenticity of such a person?
>   3.      Even if Abu Talib (as) said that, “I am on the religion of
> Abdul-Muttalib”, the question is whose religion was Abdul-Muttalib
> following?
>  There is no doubt that Abdul-Muttalib (as) followed the religion of
> Ibrahim (as) and the biggest testimony is the event of the elephants, which
> Abraha had brought to destroy the Ka’bah. Abdul-Muttalib (as) prayed to
> Allah (SWT) to protect the Holy Ka’bah from being destroyed and when he (as)
> confronted Abraha – he (as) simply asked him to release his livestock.
> Abraha was shocked. He said, “You are the chief of this tribe and I expected
> you to plead to me NOT to destroy the Ka’bah”. Abdul-Muttalib (as) said, *“I
> am the owner of these animals and have therefore come to ask for them. As
> for the Ka’bah, its Master is there to protect it”. *So if Abu Talib had
> said that he (as) followed the religion of
> Abdul-Muttalib (as) – how can he (as) become a pagan?
>   *4.* Last but not least, the verse under discussion was NOT revealed for
> Abu Talib (as). According to narrations, some Muslims came to the Holy
> Prophet (saww) and said, “Why don’t you pray to Allah to forgive our fathers
> and forefathers who died during the days of paganism?” This verse was
> revealed and the Muslims were informed that they had no right to pray for
> the forgiveness of such pagans.*(Majma’ al-Bayaan)*
> **
> **
> Abu Talib (as) was not an ordinary person in the history of Islam. He (as)
> rendered great sacrifices during his lifetime to protect the Holy Prophet
> (saww) and his mission. Ibn Abil-Hadeed, the Sunni Scholar and commentator
> of Nahjul-Balaghah writes: *“If Abu Talib and his son Ali were not there,
> the religion of Islam would not have been successful. Abu Talib supported
> and protected the Holy Prophet (saww) in Makkah and his son Ali (as) dived
> in the whirlpools of death in Yathrib for him”. *Hazrat Abu Talib (as) and
> Sayyida Khadeeja (as) both passed away in the same year and it is a well
> known fact that the Holy Prophet (saww) declared that year as *‘Aamul-Huzn
> * meaning ‘the year of grief’.
> --
> --
> * فبای الاء ربکما تکذبن.*
>  --
> اللَّهُـمّ صَــــــلٌ علَےَ مُحمَّــــــــدْ و علَےَ آل مُحمَّــــــــدْ
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