A beautiful Khudba of the Holy Prophet, showing the merits of the
lovers of Maula Ali (a.s.) (a.s.),
(Ref: Fazail -  ush -  Shia By Shaikh Sudook, Hadees No. 1)
Narrates Ibne Umer ,He says that “When We Inquired from the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.w.) about Hazrat Ali (a.s.),the Holy Prophet got
infuriated and said.

“What has happened to  these people who ask me about him whose respect
and position near Allah (s.w.t.) is the same as mine.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.) indeed loves me, and the
one who loves me with him Allah (s.w.t.) is  definitely pleased, and
that will suffice for paradise.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.) will not die till he
drinks the water of Kausar, tastes the fruit of Tuba  and sees his
palace in heaven , in this world itself.

Take heed that the namaz, fasts  and rising (for the sake of
religion )of the one who loves Ali (a.s.) will be accepted and all his
prayers will be answered.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.) for him would the angels
seek forgiveness and for him all the 8 gates of heaven be opened and
he would enter heaven unaccounted from which ever gate he wishes.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.) would receive his books of
accounts in his right hand, and Allah (s.w.t.) would take his accounts
as He would take the account of Prophets.(ie with utmost respect)

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.) for him will Allah reduce
the difficulty at the time of death and will make his grave as one of
the gardens of paradise.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.) to him will Allah (s.w.t.)
give as many  fairys  (Houries) as the blood vessels in his body and
will accept his intercession in favor of 80 people from his family and
will grant him a fairy  (Hourie) and a city in heaven equal to the
number of hairs on his body.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.) to him will Allah (s.w.t.)
send the angel of death with the same splendor as he sends to the
Prophets , will protect him from the fright of Munkir and Nakir, will
enlighten his face and he will be with Hazrat Hamza the leader of the
martyrs (before Karbala ) in paradise.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.), in his heart will Allah
(s.w.t.) establish wisdom and will make words of goodness flow from
his tongue and will open the doors of mercy on him.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.) his name in the heavens
and earth would be slave of Allah (s.w.t.).

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.), an angel announces from
heaven, telling him, O, servant of Allah (s.w.t.), Allah (s.w.t.)  has
forgiven all your past sins and  start your accounts afresh.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.),on the day of Judgment he
will come with such splendor that his face will be enlightened  like
that of the full moon on a dark night.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.), on his head will Allah
(s.w.t.) place a magnificent crown and will bestow on him a gown of

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.), will pass from the bridge
like lightening.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.),for him will be written
safety from hell, the bridge and punishment of the hereafter and his
books of accounts would not be opened and nor for him be put up the
scale for weighing deeds and he will be told to enter into heaven
without any accounting.

Take heed that the one who loves Ali (a.s.),with him will the angles
shake hands and him will the Prophets come to visit him and Allan
(s.w.t.) will fulfill all his needs.

Take heed that the one who loves Aale Mohammed (a.s.) will not be
frightened from accounting, the scale and the bridge.

Take heed that the one who dies on the love of Aale Mohammed (a.s.) I
take guarantee that he will  be with the Prophets in heaven.

Take heed that the one who dies on the enmity of Aale Mohammed (a.s.),
will not be able to smell the fragrance of heaven.

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