*It is Far'd to take Baiyat to an Wali-Allah as Shayikh and learn ilmul
Tasauwoof as per His directions.*

1.*How and when tariqat started?*

Tariqat is the way to purify one’s Qalb following certain Tartib (standard
System) directed by Shayikh to acquire true love of Allah Pak ( Subhaqnahu
wa Ta’ala) and Huzur-e-Pak Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam by truly accepting
the directions of Allah Pak ( Subhanahu wa Ta’ala)  and following the way
showed by Prophet Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.

Tariqat started from the time of Huzur-e-Pak Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
All the procedures were described in the Quran, Hadith, Ijma and Qias. All
the elements were present during the time of our prophet Sallallahu
‘alaihis wa sallam, Sahaba-e-kiram rwadi Allahu ‘anhum and Imam Mujtahid
Rahmatullahi ‘alayhim. All these procedures were gathered and
described/practiced as standard SYSTEM( Tartib) by Awlia-e-kiram like
Hazrat Abdul ‘Qadir Jilani Rahmatullahi ‘alayhi, Khaja Muyeenuddin Chisti
Rahmatullahi ‘alayhi(500 Hijri), Hazrat Bahauddin Naksband Bukhary(around
700), Hazrat Ahmed Refayi Rahmatullahi ‘alaihi (around 500 Hijri), Hazrat
Mujaddid Alfe-sani Rahmatullahi ‘alayhi(1000 Hijri). Those standard systems
were named after the name of these Awlia-e-Kiram.

This is similar to Majhab like Hanafi, Shafiyi, Maliki and Hambli. All the
rules and regulations of each Majhab were already there in the then Ummah
but the Imams of Majhabs gathered, compiled, interpreted and practiced the
rules and  these complete code of rules followed by one Imam has become
well-known according to His name.

2. *It is Far'd to take Baiyat to an Wali-Allah as Shayikh and learn ilmul
Tasauwoof as per His directions.*

* Because,*

*Hidayat(Staying on the right path) is in the closeness of Wali-Allah and
staying far from Them is Gumrahi(out of right path).*

*It is Far'd to obey the 'Ulil-Amar', that is, the Haqquani Wali-Allah. To
oppose them is Kufri.*

* *


*It is Far'd (Mandatory) to achieve I'khlas. Any 'Aamal or Ibadat without
I'klas is not accepted to Allah Pak.*

*I t is not possible to achieve Ikhlas without ilmul Tasauwoof. So, it is
Far'd (mandatory) for everyone to acquire ilmul Tasauwoof.*

* *

*4.* *Whether it is correct to say that Shariat, Tariqat, Haqiqat or
M’arifat is not part of Islam:*

Ans: It is haram and not at allowed to insert/establish new things in Islam
as well as it is also completely haram and not at all allowed to mention
something which is part of Islam as not part of Islam --- this is similar
to open Ifrat Tafrit or adding and subtracting into Islam.

It is mentioned in Hadith:

One who has introduced new things which do not exist in our religion must
be rejected. ( Bukhari, Muslim, Miskat).

And those who will do ifrat-tafrit will be out cast from Islam. That means,
they will become Murtad and Kaafir and they can be termed as companion of
the Jews. Because, Jews have ruined themselves by making/introducing
changes in the previous Holy Scriptures. For example, it is mentioned in
the KalamuLLAH Sharif:

“ they (Jews) displace the Kalam from Its place”( means they change the
Kalam from its original form) -Surah Mayida/13

Again, “ there was one group in them(jews) who used to hear the Words of
Allah Pak and then intentionally with sense and sound changed them even
though they knew it”

So, if something to say about Islam then needs full comprehension and
complete Justification. If whimsical talks without knowing properly is said
then chain of fire will be hanged on the neck and the tongue will be cut
with a scissor of fire and for delivering and all the sins committed by all
the people by following  a wrong fotwa will fall on those who have given
the wrong fotwa. All these terrible outcome have been described in the
Hadith Sharif:

“Upon whom the (wrong)fotwa is given, all the sins due to performing
according to the fotwa will fall on the person who has given the

Basically, shariah, tariqat, hakikat and Ma’arifat all comply with the
Quran and the Sunnah and following them and believing in them is included
in the directions of the Quran and the Sunnah.  Allah Pak has mentioned in
the KalamuLLAH Sharif:

“I have fixed for all of you- shariat and Tariqat”(surah Mayida/48)

And in Hadith Sharif, it is mentioned:

“ Shariat is like a Tree, Tariqat is its branches and Ma’arifat is its
leaves and Haqiqat is its Fruit”( Sir-rul Ashrar)

In the Hadith Sharif it also mentioned:

“ Shariat is my words( rules and regulations), Tariqak is my deeds( A’mal),
Haqiqat is my condition/status and Ma’arifat is my Hidden Treasure”

* *

*5. Sohbot of Wali Allah is Mandatory.*

*Allah Pak Dictates, “O You the Mu’min Who Believe! Fear Allah Pak and
attain Sohbat (close association and company) of the Swadiqeens, that is,
those who are Wali-Allah (somebody fully devoted to Allah Ta’ala).”  It is
Far’d (compulsory) for every Muslim man and woman to maintain Their
Sohbat because
without Their Sohbat, it is never ever possible to become Allah-Wala
(Wali-Allah), and it wouldn’t be possible to have Najat (salvation) in the
life hereafter. *

Regarding the importance of *Sohbat*, it may well be quoted that the
Sahaba-i-Kiram RwadiAllahu Ta’ala Anhum earned the closeness of Huzur Pak
Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam for which Allah Pak is satisfied with Them and
all Their a’amal and Aqida (practices and beliefs).  That is why, it has
been mentioned in Kitabs (books) that anyone, who had been with Huzur Pak
Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam even for a single second with Imaan (the
correct belief), remained on earth with that belief and died also with that
belief is a Sahabi.  The dignity and status of one Sahabi is much greater
than any Ummah before and after Him.” (Subhan Allah!)

“Hazrat Waees Al-Qarani Rwahmatullahi Alaihi was a *Khairut Tabiyin* (best
of the Tabiyins). Those who saw and consorted with the Sahaba-i-Kiram are
the Tabiyins. Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam made mention about him
which was confirmed by Hajrat Umr Ibnul Khattab RwadiAllahu Ta’ala Anhu,
Who narrated, ‘I heard what Rwasoolullah Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said
about Him and that was: “Verily, the best out of the Tabiyins is Hajrat
Waees Al-Qarani Rwahmatullahi Alaihi.”  He lived at a far off place called
Qaran. His mother also lived there. Since Hajrat Waees Rwahmatullahi Alaihi
was responsible to look after His mother, so He could not come to see Huzur
Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. In some descriptions it is said, He came
but could not meet Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam and went back.
Therefore, He could not become a *Sahabi* but a *Tabiyi*. One Sahabi, who
saw Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam only once in a lifetime with
proper *Imaan *(belief), remained on earth with that belief and went off
also with that belief holds a status million times greater than that of a
Tabiyi.” (Subhan Allah!)

“That’s what is being told that, ‘Get the Sohbat of those *Allah-Wala *(those
close to Allah). Those who could earn the Sohbat of the Allah-Wala in fact
earned the Sohbat of Allah Pak.  That is what has been narrated in
different books as has been said by Hajrat Maolana Jalaluddin Rumi that,
‘If anyone desires to consort with Allah Pak, should do it with the
Wali-Allah’. Subhan Allah! Similar version is also there in Arabic that
says that, ‘anyone who wants the closeness of Allah Pak should make
closeness with those *Tasawuf*-holders, those who are Allah-Wala. Closeness
with those Allah-Wala people would amount to being in closeness with Allah
Pak.”  Subhan Allah!

‘Allah Dictates, “And keep thy soul content with those who call on Allah,
morning and evening, seeking Allah’s Face; and let not thine eyes pass
beyond them, seeking the pomp and glitter of this Life”. (*Sura Kahf, Ayat
Shareef – 28*)

Every *Mureed* (disciple) must earn the *Sohbat* (closeness and company) of
his respective *Murshid Qibla* as per his varying location and time. At the
same time, should read `*The Monthly Al-Baiyinaat*’, the only `Tajdidi’
(reforming) periodical, unique in Aqida (belief) and A’amal (practice) of *Ahle
Sunnat wal Jam’at*, being the pioneer of *Sunnah and Shariah*, and hold
regular *Majlish* of *Anjuman-e- Al-Baiyinaat.” *

 “Those who stay nearby should get 5 times Sohbat a day during all 5 times
Swalat (prayers). Those who are in the same locality (ward) should make it
at least twice a day. Living in the same town or village should make it at
least twice a week. Those who are outside these towns or villages should
have it at least once in a week. Living in the neighbouring districts
should make it at least once in a month. Living in far off districts should
make it at least once in every two months. Those living in nearby countries
should have it at least once in 6 months and at least once in a year for
those in far off countries. The more Sohbat one makes the more is his
status and dignity; his *Islah *(Purification), *Ta’alluk* (relation), *
Nisbat* (connection) and nearness shall be increased accordingly.”


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