The Prophet seeks forgiveness for all Shias

He said: Abu Nasr Muhammad b. al-Husain al-Basir al-Muqri informed me
from Abu Abdillah al-Asadi, who reported from Ja'far b. Abdullah b.
Ja'far al-Alawi al- Muhammadi, who reported from Yahya b. Hashim al-
Ghassani, who reported from Ghayath b. Ibrahim, who reported from
Ja'far b. Muhammad, from his father, from his forefathers that:

The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "I have been
taught (by Allah) the seven verses (i.e. Surah al-Fateha) of two
recitations. And the whole Ummah of mine was presented to me (while in
the clay form), till I was able to see its small and its big; and I
looked at the entire heavens. And when I saw you, O Ali, I sought
forgiveness for you and your followers till the Day of Judgement."

(Al-Amali Shaikh Mufeed: The Tenth Assembly: Hadees No 5)

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