Salamun Alaikum  Are AhlulBait (as) greater in status than the Prophet's 
(as)???  Imam (as) have more Knowledge than Prophet Musa (as) and Khizr (as)
حدثنا احمد
 بن اسحق عن عبد الله بن حماد عن سيف التمار قال آنا مع ابى عبد الله عليه السلام 
جماعة من الشيعة  في الحجر فقال علينا عين فالتفتنا يمنة ويسره فلم نر احد فقلنا 
ليس علينا عين قال ورب الكعبة ورب البيت ثلث مرات لو آنت بين موسى والخضر 
لاخبرتهما انى اعلم منهما ولانبأتهما بما ليس في
 ايديهما لان موسى و الخضر اعطيا علم ماآان ولم يعطيا علم ما هو آائن إلى يوم 
القيمة وان رسول الله اعطى علم ما آان وما هو آائن إلى يوم القيمة فورثناه من رسول 
الله صلى الله عليه وآله وراثة.It has been narrated to us Ahmad Bin Is’haq, from 
Abdullah Bin Hamaad, from Sayf Al-Tamaar who said:
"There was with Abu Abdullah (as) a group of Shiites in Al-Hijr. He (as) said: 
'Are there eyes watching us?' We turned to the right and to the left, we did 
not see any one. We said, 'There are no eyes watching us'. He said: ‘By the 
Lord of the Kaaba, and the Lord of the House’, three times, then said: ‘If I 
was between Musa (as) and Khizr (as), I would have told them both that I am 
more knowledgeable than them both, and would have given them both the news 
which was not in their hands, because Musa (as) and Khizr (as) were Given the 
knowledge of what has happened, and were not Given knowledge of what will be 
happening up to the Day of Judgement, and the Messenger of Allah (saww) was 
 knowledge of what has happened and what will be happening up to the Day of 
Judgement. We have inherited from the Messenger of Al lah (saww) the 
inheritance.  [Source: Basaair Al-Darajaat, Vol. 3, Chapter. 7, Hadees. 1]    A 
Jew questions Prophet Muhammad (saww)    Muammar bin Rashid Narrates from Imam 
 (as):  عن معمر بن راشد قال سمعت أبا عبد الله الصادق ع يقول أتى يهودي النبي ص 
فقام بين يديه يحد النظر إليه فقال يا يهودي ما حاجتك قال أنت أفضل أم موسى بن 
عمران النبي الذي كلمه الله و أنزل عليه التوراة و العصا و فلق له البحر و أظله 
بالغمام فقال له النبي ص إنه يكره للعبد أن يزكي نفسه و لكني أقول إن آدم ع لما 
أصاب الخطيئة كانت توبته أن قال اللهم إني أسألك بحق محمد و آل محمد لما غفرت لي 
فغفرها الله له و إن نوحا
 لما ركب في السفينة و خاف الغرق قال اللهم إني أسألك بحق محمد و آل محمد لما 
أنجيتني من الغرق فنجاه الله عنه و إن إبراهيم ع لما ألقي في النار قال اللهم إني 
أسألك بحق محمد و آل محمد لما أنجيتني منها فجعلها الله عليه بردا و سلاما و إن 
موسى ع لما ألقى عصاه و أوجس في نفسه خيفة قال اللهم إني أسألك بحق محمد و آل محمد 
لما آمنتني فقال الله جل جلاله لا تخف إنك أنت الأعلى يا يهودي إن موسى لو أدركني 
ثم لم يؤمن بي و بنبوتي ما نفعه إيمانه شيئا و لا نفعته النبوة يا يهودي و من 
ذريتي المهدي إذا خرج نزل عيسى ابن مريم لنصرته فقدمه و صلى خلفه‏  Imam Jafar 
Sadiq (as) said:

“Once a Jew came to the Prophet (saww) and stood in front of him and was 
staring at him. 

Prophet Muhammad (saww) said, “O Jew, what do you need?” 

The Jew replied, “Are you superior (the best) or Moosa bin Imran (as) with whom 
Allah (swt) spoke and the Torah was revealed to him and the stick, and split 
the sea for him and the clouds shadowed over him.” 

The Prophet (saww) said, “I do not like that a person praises himself, but I 
say that, 

“When Adam (as) committed the sin asked the repentance of his sin by saying, “O 
Allah, I ask you by the right of Muhammad (saww) and the family of Muhammad 
(as) to forgive me.” And then Allah (swt) forgave him.” 

“And when Noah (as) boarded the ship and
 feared that the ship would drown he said, “O Allah, I ask you by the right of 
Muhammad (saww) and the family of Muhammad (as) to save me from drowning.” And 
then Allah (swt) saved him.” 

“And when Ibrahim (as) was thrown into the fire he said, “O Allah, I ask you by 
the right of Muhammad (saww) and the family of Muhammad (as) to save me from 
the fire.” And then Allah (swt) made the fire cold and safe for him.” 

“And when Moosa (as) threw the stick and felt fear in his heart he said, “O 
Allah, I ask you by the right of Muhammad (saww) and the family of Muhammad 
(as) to strengthen me from this fear.” And then Allah (swt) said to Moosa (as), 
“Do not fear, for you are higher” 

“O Jew, If Moosa (as) would get to me and does not believe in me (saww) and in 
my Prophet hood then his faith and his Prophet hood would be of no use
 (benefit) to him.” 

“O Jew, and when the Mehdi (atfs) from my progeny comes out, Esa bin Maryam 
(as) will descend and will help Him (atfs) and will keep Him (atfs) ahead and 
will be pray behind Him (atfs).” 

[Source: Amali – Sheikh Saduq Majalis.39 Hadees.4]  Note: In the above 
narrations, the prayers of the various Prophet’s (as) included the name of 
Prophet Muhammad (saww) and Aale Muhammad (as) and hence it clearly indicates 
that Prophet Muhammad (saww) and Aale Muhammad (as) are having a higher status 
than the other Prophets (as).    AhleBait (as) are the greatest & none can 
reach their status  Following are the contents of Ziyarat-e-Jamiya 
Kabeer:فَبَلَغَ اللَّهُ بِكُمْ أَشْرَفَ مَحَلِّ الْمُكَرَّمِينَوَأَعْلَى 
مَنَازِلِ الْمُقَرَّبِينَوَأَرْفَعَ دَرَجَاتِ الْمُرْسَلِينَ‏حَيْثُ لاَ 
يَلْحَقُهُ لاَحِقٌوَلاَ يَفُوقُهُ فَائِقٌوَلاَ يَسْبِقُهُ سَابِقٌوَلاَ
 يَطْمَعُ فِي إِدْرَاكِهِ طَامِعٌ‏حَتَّى لاَ يَبْقَى مَلَكٌ مُقَرَّبٌوَلاَ 
نَبِيٌّ مُرْسَلٌوَلاَ صِدِّيقٌ وَلاَ شَهِيدٌوَلاَ عَالِمٌ وَلاَ جَاهِلٌوَلاَ 
دَنِيٌّ وَلاَ فَاضِلٌوَلاَ مُؤْمِنٌ صَالِحٌوَلاَ فَاجِرٌ طَالِحٌ‏وَلاَ
 جَبَّارٌ عَنِيدٌوَلاَ شَيْطَانٌ مَرِيدٌوَلاَ خَلْقٌ فِيمَا بَيْنَ ذَلِكَ 
شَهِيدٌإِلاَّ عَرَّفَهُمْ جَلاَلَةَ أَمْرِكُمْ
Allah made you reach the noblest position of glory.

the highest station nearest to Allah

and the loftiest status of the Messengers

where none can ever reach you

nor can anyone surpass you

nor can anyone ever precede you

No can anyone look forward to reaching your positions

even the favorite Angels went for it
nor the commissioned Prophets

nor a friend nor a martyr

nor a scholar nor an ignorant

nor an inferior nor a superior

nor a pious

nor a wicked sinner

nor an obstinate tyrant

nor a devilish rebel

nor any other being had ever been there

except that Allah informs them of the grandeur of your decisive authority

Source: Ziyart-e-Jamiya Kabeer 
Prophet Ibrahim (as) is a Shia of Imam Ali (as)  Allah (swt) says in the Holy
 Quran:           وَإِنَّ مِنْ شِيعَتِهِ لَإِبْرَاهِيم    "Verily among his 
Shia is Ibrahim". [Chapter 37 Verse 83]  The Following Hadees clearly say that 
Prophet Ibrahim (as) was a Shia of Imam Ali (as) and hence Imam Ali (as) has a 
higher status than Prophet Ibrahim (as).  1) Narrated from Imam Jafar As-Sadiq 
(as):عن مولانا الصادق جعفر بن محمد ع أنه قال قوله عز و جل وَ إِنَّ مِنْ 
شِيعَتِهِ لَإِبْراهِيمَ  أي إن إبراهيم عليه السلام من شية النبي صلى الله عليه 
وآله فهو من شيعة علي وكل من كان من شيعة علي فهو من شيعة
 النبي صلى الله عليهما وعلى ذريتهما الطيبيImam Sadiq (as) said: "Regarding the 
saying of Allah (swt) "Verily among his Shia was Ibrahim", Verily Ibrahim (as) 
is among the Shia of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him and his Progeny, He 
(Ibrahim) is among the Shia of Ali (as). And all those who are from among the 
Shia of Ali they are among the Shia of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him and 
his pure Progeny."Source: Tawil Al Ayat Vol.2 Pg.495 
(Sura-e-Saffat)    2) A man comes 
to Imam Ali bin Husain (as) as says:وقال رجل لعلي بن الحسين عليهما السلام : يا 
ابن رسول الله أنا من شيعتكم الخلص فقال له : يا عبدالله فاذا أنت كابراهيم الخليل 
عليه السلام الذي قال الله " وإن من شيعته لابراهيم إذ جاء ربه بقلب سليم"A man 
said to Imam Ali bin Husain (as), "O Son of Prophet of Allah (saww), I am from 
among your Shia's." 
Imam (as) said to him, "O Servant of Allah, are you like Ibrahim (as) for whom 
Allah (swt) says "Verily among his Shia is Ibrahim. He approached his Lord with 
a sound heart."  Source: Bihar Al Anwar Vol.65    3)  Jabir bin 
Yazid Jo'fi asks Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) the tafseer of the verse "Verily among 
his Shia is Ibrahim":  ما رواه الشيخ محمد بن الحسين رحمه الله عن محمد بن وهبان 
عن أبي جعفر محمد بن علي بن رحيم عن العباس بن محمد قال حدثني أبي عن الحسن بن علي 
بن أبي حمزة قال حدثني أبي عن أبي بصير يحيى بن القاسم قال سأل جابر بن يزيد 
الجعفي جعفر بن محمد الصادق ع عن تفسير هذه الآية وَ إِنَّ مِنْ شِيعَتِهِ
 لَإِبْراهِيمَ فقال ع إن الله سبحانه لما خلق إبراهيم كشف له عن بصره فنظر فرأى 
نورا إلى جنب العرش فقال إلهي ما هذا النور فقيل له هذا نور محمد صفوتي من خلقي و 
رأى نورا إلى جنبه فقال إلهي و ما هذا النور فقيل له هذا نور علي بن أبي طالب ع 
ناصر ديني و رأى إلى جنبهم ثلاثة أنوار فقال إلهي و ما هذه الأنوار فقيل له هذا 
نور فاطمة فطمت محبيها من النار و نور ولديها الحسن و الحسين فقال إلهي و أرى تسعة 
أنو ار قد أحدقوا بهم قيل يا إبراهيم هؤلاء الأئمة من ولد علي و فاطمة فقال 
إبراهيم إلهي بحق هؤلاء الخمسة إلا عرفتني من التسعة .قيل يا إبراهيم أولهم علي بن 
الحسين و ابنه محمد و ابنه جعفر و ابنه موسى و ابنه علي و ابنه محمد و ابنه علي و 
ابنه الحسن و الحجة القائم ابنه فقال إبراهيم إلهي و سيدي أرى أنوارا قد أحدقوا 
بهم لا يحصى عددهم إلا أنت قيل يا إبراهيم هؤلاء شيعتهم شيعة أمير المؤمنين علي بن 
أبي طالب ع فقال إبراهيم و بما تعرف شيعته قال بصلاة إحدى و خمسين و الجهر ببسم 
الله الرحمن الرحيم و القنوت قبل الركوع و التختم في اليمين فعند ذلك قال إبراهيم 
اللهم اجعلني من شيعة أمير المؤمنين قال فأخبر
 الله تعالى في كتابه فقال وَ إِنَّ مِنْ شِيعَتِهِ لَإِبْراهِيمَ    Jabir bin 
Yazid Joafi asked Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) the interpretation of the verse "Verily 
among his Shia is Ibrahim".   Imam Sadiq (as) replied saying:"Allah (swt) 
created Ibrahim (as) and removed the veil from his eyes. Ibrahim (as) looked 
and saw a light (Noor) next to the throne and said, "My Allah (swt) what is 
this light?" He was told that this is the light of Muhammad (saww) the purest 
of my creations. Then Ibrahim (as) saw a light next to that light (of Muhammad) 
and said, "My Allah (swt) what is this light?" He
 was told that this is the light of Ali bin Abi Talib (as) helper of my 
religion. Then Ibrahim (as) saw 3 more lights next to these 2 lights (of 
Muhammad and Ali) and said, "My Allah (swt) and what are these lights?". He was 
told that this is the light of Fatima (sa) whose lovers are weaned from fire 
(of hell) and the light of her sons Hasan (as) and Husain (as). Ibrahim (as) 
then said, "My Allah (swt) I see 9 lights". He was told that these are the 
Imams (as) from the sons of Ali (as) and Fatima (sa).   Then Ibrahim (as) said, 
"My Allah (swt) by the right of these Five, inform me about these 9 lights".  
He was told that the first is Ali bin Husain (as) and then his son Muhammad 
(as) and then his son Jafar (as) and then his son Moosa (as) and then his son 
Ali (as) and then his son Muhammad (as) and then his son Ali (as) and then his 
son Hasan
 and then his son Qaim (atfs).  Then Ibrahim (as) said, "My Allah (swt) and my 
Master I see lights which are countless and none knows the count but You. He 
was told that these are the Shias of Amir Al Momineen Ali bin Abi Talib (as). 
Then Ibrahim (as) said, "By what are the Shias known?" Allah (swt) said, "By 51 
rakat Prayers, saying 'BisMillah' Aloud, performing the Qunoot before Ruku and 
wearing rings on the right hand.  Then Ibrahim (as) said, "O Allah (swt), make 
me from among the Shia of Amir Al Momineen". Allah (swt) gave the news of this 
in his book and said "Verily among his Shia is Ibrahim".  Source: Tawil Al Ayat 
Vol.2 Pg.495 (Sura-e-Saffat), Mustadrak Vol.4 Pg.187, Bihar Al Anwar Vol.36 
Pg.151, Al Fazail Pg. 158 Was 
Salaam    Iltemase Dua Sayyed Jawhar Abbas Rizvi  

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