----- Original Message ----- 
From: Kulsoom Azam 
To: abid hemraj ; Anver Hemraj ; fatmabharw...@hotmail.co.uk ; Fazilat Shivji ; 
fatimadha...@hotmail.com ; Ismat Gulamali ; Jamil Khaki ; Jamila Aziz ; jemila. 
khakoo ; Layla Hemraj ; Masuma Dhanji ; Meenaz Assir ; Razina Dharsi ; sayyeda 
Dewjee ; Sarah J. Khaki ; tmer...@hotmail.co.uk ; shenaz hemraj ; Zakiya Sultan 
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 12:53 PM
Subject: FW: Hard work and generosity..................subhanallah.

Kulsoom Azam 
        Work and Generosity 

        Imam `Ali (P.B.U.H.) was a hard-working man with a pleasant 
        personality. He worked hard while farming and cultivating 
        orchards. He developed several plots and orchards and then 
        gave them all away for the sake of Allah. 
        One day, he acquired a piece of barren land outside 
        Madinab which he wanted to cultivate. In order to do this, he 
        decided to dig a well, he chose a suitable place and, putting 
        his hopes in the grace of Allah, he began to dig. 
        Several days went by, but still there was no sign of any 
        water coming out of the well. 
        One day, Imam Ali picked up a pickaxe, entered the 
        well and, using all his strength and energy, worked very 
        hard for a while, but still there was no sign of water. 
        Exhausted, he came out of the well, wiped away the sweat of 
        his brow, rested for a while, and then re-entered the well. He 
        was swinging the pickaxe with such vigor that the sound of 
        his breathing could be heard all around. After receiving a 
        strong, hard blow with the pickaxe, the ground suddenly 
        split open, and fresh, clear water bubbled up. 
        He climbed quickly out of what had now become a 
        wonderful well in the dry desert which would soon turn all 
        the surrounding area into a lovely orchard. Soon the people 
        gathered around to see it. Each of them was commenting on 
        "What a hard working man is Ali" one said 
        "since `Ali is a good and generous man, "said another. 
        "Allah has been generous to him and given him goodness" 
        "Ali and his descendants have become rich forever." 
        said some. 
        Some congratulated Imam `Al! while some were jealous. 
        "Bring me a paper and pen" said Ali ( P.B.U.H.) and when 
        they had done so, he sat down and wrote the following: 
        I have endowed this well and the land surrounding it in 
        charity for its income to be used as follows: 
        a. In helping the poor and destitute. 
        b. In helping the travellers far away from their homes. 
        c. In providing the means for the marriages of orphans. 
        d. In providing medical care for the poor. 
        e. In the doing of good works of public benefit. 
        I have endowed this well in charity so as to seek the 
        pleasure of Allah and the rewards of the Hereafter, and in 
        order to be saved from the of Hell 

        Being Kind to Children 

        The Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)was very kind to 
        children and loved them very much. One day, he placed his 
        two grandchildren, Hasan and Husayn, on his lap and began 
        kissing and cuddling them. A man who was passing by saw 
        what the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was doing, and became very 
        surprised. "I have ten children," he said. "And I have not 
        kissed even one of them." 
        The Prophet heard what this hard-hearted man said and 
        became very annoyed. "I do not think this man will attain 
        Paradise," he said. 
        Our Holy Prophet loved children. He used to carry them 
        on his shoulders. The children would become very happy and 
        laugh. The Prophet, too, would become happy at the pure 
        happiness and laughter of the children and a smile would 
        appear on his face. 
        Our Holy Prophet used to give his salam to children 
        and would tell his companions: 
        "I give my salaam to children and respect them, and 
        Muslims should follow my behavior and always be warm 
        and loving with children." 
        The Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) used to speak 
        about children - boys and girls - and Say: 
        "0 Muslims, 0 fathers and mothers, 0 my followers, be 
        kind and compassionate towards children, for someone who 
        is not kind to children has no place amongst the Muslims." 
        Our Holy Prophet was kind to children and became 
        happy at their pure and innocent laughter.

        No Intercession for Those Who Regard Namaz Unimportant 
        Making light of Salaat is counted among the Greater Sins. It is 
mentioned in some reports that the one who considers the prayers unimportant is 
not eligible for intercession. 
        Thus Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: 
        “Our intercession is not for those who consider the Prayers 
        Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: 
        “Our intercession is not for those who considered the Prayers lightly.” 

        (Behaarul Anwaar vol.3) 
        It is related from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) that he said: 
        “One who considers prayers unimportant is not from me. By Allah, he is 
not from me. By Allah, he cannot reach near me at the Haudh-e-Kauthar.” (the 
cistern in Paradise) 

        (Beharul Anwaar) 


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