----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ebrahim Rashid 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 8:27 PM

Salamun alaikum

Having read all kinds of discussions/debates/arguments about the ahlulbayt and 
the sahabas, am I entitled to pause some simple straightforward questions which 
might need some delibrations.

1. Islam is the final religion of Allah.

2. The holy Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet of Allah.

3. Holy Qur'an is the final revelation from Allah.

No other deen is going to come. No other prophet is going to come. No other 
revelation is going to come.

4. So long as the holy Prophet was alive and Muslims had any propblems, they 
went straight to the holy Prophet who sorted out their problems.

What about after his death when the Muslim poulation spread in all corners of 
the world?

The world made progress in science and technology. Muslims were confronted with 
new problems.

How could these modern problems be resolved?  How can one be sure that they are 
in line with the guidance of the holy Qur'an and the teachings of the holy 
Prophet? How can one be sure that its not anyone's fantasies?

5. The Shias say that the holy Prophet appointed his ahlulbayt as the guides 
for Muslims after him. This they prove in the light of the holy Qur'an, the 
ahadith of the holy Prophet and commonsense.  Sadly our Sunni brothers do not 
accept this. 

Our Sunni brothers say that after the death of the holy Prophet, not the 
ahlulbayt of the holy Prophet but his sahabas were eligible for religious 

Can this be proved in the light of the holy Qur'an, ahadith of the holy Prophet 
and logic? 

6. It is a fact that none of the sahabas were ma'soom or infallible.

It is a fact that neither all the prophets of Allah are of equal status nor his 
angels. Therefore, how can all the sahabas be of equal status?

 It is also a fact that there were lots of hypocrites amongst the sahabas. 
There were so many that a whole chapter under the title of Sura Munafiqoon was 

How can one distinguish a true, sincere and devoted sahabi from hypocrites?

7. Why do our Sunni brothers reject the ahlulbayt of the holy Propher as guides 
and Imams after the him?  What qualities did they lack to be the guides?  What 
qualities did the sahabas have which the ahlulbayt lacked to be Imams and 

8. There is a very famous hadith of the holy Prophet, "after my death my Ummah 
will be divided into seventy-three sects; of these only one will go to Jannat 
and all the rest in jahannam."

How can one be sure which is this one particular sect going to Jannat?

9. When we hear any hadith of the holy Prophet from any narrator is there 
anything wrong to investigate the background of the narrator(s)?  If no, why?

10. Suppose there are 15 cups of orange juice and one of them has poison in it. 
 Will any person in the right frame of his mind dare to drink any one cup? 

If there were hypocrites amongst the sahabas, how could one risk seeking 
guidance on religious matter from anyone of them?

11. What is the exact defintion of a sahaba?

12. Why do our Sunni brothers find it extremely difficult to swallow the 
wrongdoings, injustice and evil committed by the so called sahabas even though 
this is supported by full evidence from their own books?

In the light of the wrongdoings, injustice and evil committed by the so called 
sahabas, why are the Shias being cursed and abused for unveiling this?

Why are the Shias being cursed for exposing the atrocities they committed and 
against whom?

13. On the one hand we have a person like hazrat Ali who never worshipped idols 
and was born inside the Kaba'h. He was with the Prophet of Allah from his 
childhood until he (the holy Prophet passed away).  He accompanied him in all 
the battles and was with him when everyone deserted him in the battlefield, 

Then you have others who were born of pagan parents, lived a good part of their 
lives as pagans or idol worshippers, were enemies of Islam and the holy Prophet 
before embracing Islam.

We have people like hazrat Umar who hated the holy Prophet to the extent that 
he wanted to kill him.  He also tortured his own sister on finding out she had 
embraced Islam!

We have people like Abu Huraira who embraced Islam not more than three years 
before the holy Prophet passed away.  Yet the ahadith quoted by him outnumber 
ahadith quoted by Abu Bakar, Umar, Uthman and hazrat Ali!!!

Some of the ahadith were concocted according to his own admission for which 
Umar punished him.

No matter which sect one follows their sole purpose is to make sure that the 
path they are following will lead them to paradise.

Is it not commonsense that the people who we follow as our guides or Imams and 
leaders after the holy Prophet have some kind of authenticity from the holy 
Qur'an and the holy Prophet?

In the holy Qur'an Allah (s.w.t.) constantly reminds us of using our 
commonsense in matter of fundamental beliefs and not follow our sheikhs blindly 
or unquestionably.

14. We Shias do not condemn anyone because of their faith.  And why should we 
anyway when we have ways and means of communicating sensibly.  We do not call 
our fellow Muslim brothers kafirs and isssue fatwas of takfir and make their 
bllod and property halal or lawful. These are things that the Imams of 
ahlulbayt have made haram upon their followers.

15. If only our Sunni brothers come to realise that studying the Islamic 
history through authentic sources and see which Muslim personalities played 
what sort of role before the advent of Islam, during the time of the holy 
Prophet and after the passing away of the holy Prophet and put things in 
perspective accordingly.

16. As already said before we have no direct relations with the ahlulbayt to 
show so much love and affection. Neither those we dislike have done any kind of 
direct harm to us.  But we love and respect and find them worthy of obedience 
simply because Allah has commaded us to so and very much rightly so.

Likewise, we dislike those whom we dislike is simply because of their 
wrongdoings, injustice and evil they committed. Allah hates unjust, evil 
mongers and wrongdoers regardless.

17. In our daily prayers/salat/namaz we ask Allah to guide us on the Right 
Path.  To guide us on the path of those upon He has showered His blessings and 
not of those upon whom He has sent His wrath and those who have gone astray. 

In the light of the above mentioned verse, how are we going to establish which 
path is the Right Path which we are supposed to follow and which path is it 
upon which there's been Allah's wrath and the one going astray?


If these so called Muslims had the right knowledge from the holy Qur'an, sunnah 
of the holy Prophet or the sunnah of their so called sahabas then surely rather 
than cursing and abusing the Shias they would have had an open discussion and 
dialogue and sorted this out in a civilised manner.  








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