*In The Name of Allah the Most High*

*Salamun Alaikum*

*Who are the Shias?*

A Shia is the one who believes in Allah’s Oneness (Tauheed), the
Prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) and the leadership of the
divinely appointed Imams (a.s.). So long as he is steadfast on these
cornerstones of belief he is a Shia. If he denies any one tenet he is
outside the realm of belief and cannot be called a Shia.

Those who betrayed Imam Husain (a.s.) in Karbala cannot be called as Shias
any more than those who turned against Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) in the
battle of Siffeen and were later branded as Khaarijis can be called Shias.
So, it is erroneous to claim that Imam Husain (a.s.) was killed by his
Shias. These were his Shias until the time they were steadfast on their
allegiance to him. When they severed their allegiance and fought against
him they lost their identity as Shias and were just like the other Muslims
in Yazid’s forces.

Perhaps one of the more defining traditions about a Shia is from the Master
himself – Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.):

Even if I strike the nose of a believer (momin/Shia) with this sword for
hating me, he will not hate me, and even if I pile all the wealth of the
world before a hypocrite (munafiq) for loving me he will not love. This is
because it is pronounced by the tongue of the beloved Prophet. O Ali, a
believer will never hate you and a hypocrite (Muslim) will never love you.
(Nahjul Balaghah Saying no. 45)

According to this and other traditions of this nature, a Shia with even an
iota of doubt about his Imam is outside the realm of faith (imaan) and in
the realm of hypocrisy (nifaaq). Leave alone fighting the Imam, according
to this tradition of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.), the Shia will not even bear
the slightest of hatred and indifference towards the Imam, even under the
most trying of circumstances and attacks.

Since the so-called Shias of Kufa carried a full-fledged frontal assault on
Imam Husain (a.s.) and his companions, they do not qualify as Shias. Rather
they are hypocrites and to call them anything else is nothing but an
attempt to spread mischief and confusion. The lovers of Ahle Bait (a.s.)
know better who is a Shia and do not need others to identify Shias for them.

*Muslims of Kufa*

Being the center of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) Ali b. Abi Talib’s (a.s.)
government after the Battle of Jamal, Kufa was identified as a Shia hub and
epicenter of resistance to Bani Ummayah.

However, there were many Muslims who did not owe allegiance to any
particular disposition – Alawi or Usmani. They were go-with-the-flow
Muslims with a strong herd mentality guiding their disposition. They were
the ones who paid allegiance to Abu Bakr, Umar and Usman and followed up by
giving allegiance to Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.) as a matter of routine, with
no particular love or admiration for Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.) that would
mark them as Shias.

Even those who could be described as Shias did not invoke the confidence of
the Imams (a.s.) as they were very fickle in their faith just like other
Muslims. Their faith was up for grabs to the highest bidder and since
Muawiyah bid the highest these so-called Shias remained in Kufa but acted
according to Muawiyah’s bidding and later according to the bidding of
Yazid/Ubaidullah b. Ziyad.

This was the biggest challenge faced by Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.) and his son
– Imam Hasan b. Ali (a.s.) as all their attempts to rally these so-called
Shias against Muawiyah came to naught.

So to accuse these Shias of treachery and blame them for the calamity that
befell on Imam Husain (a.s.) is missing the point. These Shias were never
part of the equation as they did not invoke any confidence and Imam Husain
(a.s.) was well-aware of the events unfolding in Kufa even as he was
approaching it.

*Shias of Karbala*

These Muslims who talk of Shiite treachery conveniently ignore that Imam
Husain (a.s.) had a small band of true Shia supporters who fought valiantly
against Yazid’s forces in Karbala. These were the ones worthy of being
Shias and were even called as such by Imam Husain (a.s.) and other Imams
(a.s.) of the Ahle Bait (a.s.).

If we go by the treachery argument advanced by these Muslims and consider
that Shias were present in Yazid’s forces and Shias were also present in
Karbala in Imam Husain’s (a.s.) army, then it was nothing but a battle
between two Shia groups! However, no historian has concluded as such and to
suggest it shows extreme bias against Shias and very poor understanding of
Islamic history.

*Faith is based on the present not the past*

A person is labeled based on his current inclination and not his previous
belief. Having disobeyed Allah, Iblis is no longer referred to as Allah’s
worshipper in the Holy Quran and the blessed Sunnah, although he was once
ranked alongside the angels. Nor do common Muslims refer to companions like
Abu Bakr, Umar and Usman as infidels although they were the leading
idol-worshippers of the time before the advent of Islam.

As we find in the incident of Talut and Jalut in Surah Baqarah (2): Verse

“So when Talut departed with the forces, he said: Surely Allah will try you
with a river; whoever then drinks from it, he is not of me, and whoever
does not taste of it, he is surely of me, except he who takes with his hand
as much of it as fills the hand; but with the exception of a few of them
they drank from it…”

All those who drank from the river and they were in the majority, were no
longer among Talut’s companions and cannot be referred to as such.

Likewise those who abandoned Imam Husain (a.s.) in Kufa and joined Yazid’s
ranks cannot be called as Shias. They were ranked alongside Yazid’s forces
and all attributes used for Yazid’s forces applies to these so-called Shias
as well.

We do not see Muslims accusing Talha and Zubair of treachery after they
severed their allegiance and waged a ferocious battle against their Master
and Imam – Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.) resulting in the death of thousands of
Muslims. Therefore singling out the Shias for their role in the events of
Kufa and Karbala is nothing but a lame attempt to misguide the Muslims with
regards Yazid’s role in Imam Husain’s (a.s.) murder.

For the full article, visit


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