*In The Name of Allah the Most High*

*Salamun Alaikum*

On the occasion of closing of doors ....

Abbas (a.s.) and others came to him (s.a.w.a.) and said: O Prophet of God!
How is it that Ali (a.s.) continues to pass through this mosque?! The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied: This is only God’s will. You must abide by it.
Jibraeel has brought revelation in this matter. Then the condition of the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) became such, as it used to be at the time of
arrival of divine revelation. When he became normal, he said: O Abbas! O
uncle of the Messenger of Allah! Jibraeel informs me from Almighty Allah
that Ali will not depart from me in loneliness and that he will be my
companion even when I am in alien land. So, I too may not separate him from
my mosque. O My uncle! If you could see Ali (a.s.) when he was confronting
my enemies by sleeping on my bed thereby protecting my life and was very
pleased to be killed by the disbelievers, you would have realized how much
grace he deserves from me and how much from Almighty Allah.

As Ali (a.s.) became distinct from all others by sleeping in my bed during
the night of migration and thus distinguishing himself from all others by
sacrificing his life for the sake of the life of Allah’s Messenger, God
also made him distinct from all others in the matter of passing through the
mosque of the messenger.

O uncle! Had you seen how lofty is the rank of Ali (a.s.) in the sight of
God and also in the eyes of holy angels, in the higher world, you would
consider his greatness and superiority in this world very insignificant.

O My uncle! Never allow any ill will towards Ali (a.s.) in your heart
otherwise you will become like your brother, Abu Lahab, as you both are
full brothers.

O uncle! If all the residents of the earth and the sky become enemies of
Ali (a.s.), Allah Almighty will destroy them all and hurl them into Hell.
If all the infidels love Ali (a.s.), God will better their Hereafter due to
that love by first giving them the good sense to become faithful and make
them enter the fragrant gardens of Paradise.

O uncle! The greatness of Ali (a.s.) is very graceful. His condition is
bright and his importance is great. When love for Ali (a.s.) will be put in
balance against one’s good deeds, it (the former) will prove heavier.
Likewise if one’s enmity for Ali (a.s.) is compared with one’s sins (evil
deeds) the former will look heavier. When Abbas heard such excellence of
Ali (a.s.) from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) he said: O Allah’s Messenger: I
am pleased to accept and submit.

Then the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) asked him: Just look at the sky and tell
me what you see? Abbas replied: O Allah’s Messenger: I can see the clean
and bright sun which has appeared in the clean and pure sky. The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: O Abbas, O uncle of Prophet, the goodness of your
acceptance of the excellence given by God to Ali (a.s.) is greater and
better than this sun which is in the sky and so the bounties granted to you
by God because of your acceptance are far more higher than the bounties due
to which vegetables, grains and fruits grow in sunlight, which also ripens

O uncle! As a result of your acceptance of the said single excellence of
Ali (a.s.), many holy angels have befriended you, whose number is more than
the drops of rain and leaves on trees and particles of sand and hair on
animals and the kinds of vegetables and the steps of human beings and their
breaths, words and looks. All these angels pray: O Allah, pour Mercy on
Your Messenger’s uncle, Abbas who believed in the excellence of his brother
Ali (a.s.).

O uncle, I also thank God and praise Him as He raised your rank making your
position great in the heavens.
Tafseer of Imam Hasan Askari a.s.

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