*In The Name of Allah the Most High*

*Salamun Alaikum*

Sulaim b. Qais relates the episode of Saqifah from Salman:

‘…when Imam Ali (a.s.) saw the excuses, deceit and disloyalty of the
people, he returned home and started compiling and arranging the verses of
the Quran and did not step out of his house until he had completed this
work  because previously the Quran was written upon papers, planks, bones
of sheep, sheets and cloth. When Imam Ali (a.s.) was arranging the Quran
and had written down its tanzil and and taweel and marked the abrogated and
abrogating verses, Abu Bakr (l.a.) sent him a message to come out of his
house and swear allegiance at his hands.

Imam Ali (a.s.) replied - I am busy arranging the Quran and have sworn that
I will not cast the cloak over my shoulders, except for prayers, until I
compile and arrange it.

Abu Bakr (l.a.) and his associates gave him respite for some days and when
Imam Ali (a.s.) completed the arrangement, he put it (the Quran) in a cloth
(bag) and affixed his seal upon it.

In another narration it is stated that Imam Ali took the Quran (which he
had compiled) and came to the grave of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.). He placed
the Quran down and recited two units of prayers and conferred salutations
upon the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.a.). When the people gathered in the
mosque around Abu Bakr (l.a.), Imam Ali (a.s.) addressed them in a loud
voice, “O people! From the time that the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.a.) passed
away, I have been engrossed in many actions - first in the burial of the
Prophet (s.a.w.a.), and thereafter in compiling the Quran. I arranged the
entire Quran which now lies in this bag. I have recorded each and every
verse which descended upon the Prophet (s.a.w.a.). There is no verse in the
Quran, except that the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) read it to me, and I in turn
wrote it down. He also related its concealed interpretations to me.”

He continued, “This declaration is addressed to those who tomorrow cannot
say that they were not aware of this (compilation by Ali) and on the Day of
Resurrection you should not say that I did not invite you to assist me or
remind you about my rights, nor did I invite you towards the Book of Allah
from the beginning until the end.”

Hearing this Umar (l.a.) said, “The presence of Quran with us makes us
needless of the Quran compiled by you.” In another narration it is related
that he (l.a.) said, “Leave the Quran and go to your own task.”

Imam Ali (a.s.) then said, “The Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.a.) told you that,
‘I leave among you two weighty things, the Book of Allah (the Quran) and my
progeny (my Ahle Bait). These two things will not part from one another
until they meet me at the Pond (of Kausar). Then if you accept the Quran,
you should also accept me along with it so that I can judge among you by
what Allah has revealed in the Quran, for I am more aware than you
regarding the entire Quran and what it contains with regards to abrogating
and abrogated verses, its interpretation, the clear and allegorical verses,
the lawful and the unlawful.’”

Hearing this Umar (l.a.) replied, “Take away this Quran! That which will
neither part from you nor will you part from it. We neither need this
compiled Quran of yours, nor do we need you!”

Imam Ali (a.s.) took the Quran and returned home and sat in his place of
worship, opened the Quran and placed it on his lap and read verses from it
while tears flowed from his eyes.

·         Kitab al-Sulaim trad. 4

·         Bait al-Ahzaan of Shaikh Abbas al-Qummi (r.a.)– Chap 3 under the
topic ‘Compilation and arrangement of the Quran’

Was Salam

*Akbar Ali*

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