*In The Name of Allah the Most High*

*Salamun Alaikum*

Someone once asked Ameerul Momineen (a.s.): Who will repent most on the
Judgment Day and regret over his fate?

Imam (a.s.) replied: One who will look at his goods in someone else’s
balance and the Almighty Allah will hurl him in Hell due to his emptiness
and his inheritor will be admitted to Paradise because of their deeds….

Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said: More regretful will be one who gathered much
wealth toiling and painfully working, risking his life and he will also
have spent that money in charitable good deeds and will have spent his
youth years worshipping God but he had not *recognized the right of Ali bin
Abi Talib (a.s.) and was not aware of Ali’s (a.s.) rank in Islam. *

*Rather he was considering those persons who did not possess even one-tenth
of Ali’s (a.s.) excellence. He did not realize the truth about Ali’s (a.s.)
excellence even though it was shown to him with proper proofs and
arguments. He hardened his attitude even when proofs were brought to him
from Holy Quran and traditions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.). *

Therefore such a fellow will regret and repent most on Judgment Day as his
good deeds will take the form of snakes biting him. His prayers and worship
acts will turn into flames, pushing him to Hell.

Then he will exclaim: Woe unto me, did I not offer Prayer and pay Zakat?
Did I not remain away from others’ money and women? Then what for am I
being punished?

There will come a voice: O unfortunate fellow! Your deeds did not benefit
you at all because despite believing in God’s Oneness and in the
prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), you did not care about its biggest
requirement by* ignoring the right of Ali (a.s.) the Wali of Allah. *

Thus you disregarded your most important duty and followed the enemies of
God. *You considered obligatory, what was prohibited by God. *

In such a condition, even if you do good deeds during the entire period of
life till the end of the world and even if you spend the entire wealth
available in the whole world in charity including all gold and silver, you
will get only wrath of God and distance from His mercy.

*(Tafseer-e-Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) under the exegesis of ‘Thee do we
serve and Thee do we beseech for help.’ (Surah Fatihah))*

Was Salam

*Akbar Ali*

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