On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 02:03:57PM -0700, Vijay wrote:
> But my question is whether there is an issue with using net/http library in
> general with shoes ?

Not really, you'll just need to place it in a thread and it'll be
slower. Threads in Ruby are green threads, so you can't get true
threading with Net::HTTP.

> 1.  What if I my shoes app on startup asks user to put it credentials and I
> verify it against a server before the app starts? In this case, I would like
> to be blocked till the operation is complete.

Sure, you can pop up one window to ask for credentials, then open a
new window and close the first. There can be multiple `Shoes.app`
blocks, even nested ones.

> 2. A more complicated scenario.
> I am given an authentication library [ written in ruby] from another
> developer and that is what I am supposed to use. If that library uses
> net/http to authenticate, how can I integrate such a library with shoes
> given that I encounter the net/http problem with shoes.

Yes, this is the trouble, of course. You could e-mail the author
about supporting other HTTP libs. Or you could swap in the
`download` method yourself -- after all, there's not much code to
the actual connection usually.

It depends on how complex the auth library is. For example, many
people feel they need to use a lib to do basic HTTP auth. But it's
only three lines of code really.

I'm also open to changing things around if I've got it all wrong,


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