Yet another reminder why Lisp scoping rules and my feeble lexical brain
don't mesh. I have no opinion as to why or if it's a good thing (Tm) but
it'll burn us old school non Lispers.

On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 05:15 -0400, MenTaLguY wrote:
> I wasn't terribly clear.  Let me rephrase -- if you do this:
>  urls.each do |url|
>    link url, :click => { window { image url } }
>  end
> Then every link will open the same image url (since all the created
> Procs reference the same variable, which ends up with the same final
> value).  However, if you do this:
>  def make_image_callback(url)
> { window { image url } }
>  end
>  image_urls.each do |image_url|
>    link image_url, :click => make_image_callback(image_url)
>  end
> Then the links should open the correct images, since each call to
> make_image_callback establishes up a separate context for a Proc inside
> to capture, rather than all the Procs sharing the same context and
> variables.
> You could also do the call to link itself inside the helper method (as I
> did in my earlier email), but you don't need to.
> -mental

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