15 wood is roughly 37° loft, much like a modern 8 iron. Believe it or don't, there are some folks who have a difficult time hitting, compared to fairway woods, thin-soled irons. Especially my customer, an 85 year-old lady who can't get the iron through the grass easily. The larger sole of the wood (metal) head slides across rather than digging in.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: 15 wood

I hope this is not a dumb question but where would you use a 15 W and what iron does it replace?

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Dynacraft Jackaroo II
Available up to a 43 deg 15 wood.
I haven't tried them but they look good.

Mats B

03-02-11 22.12, skrev tflan på [EMAIL PROTECTED] följande:

Where can I get one of these? Local guys don't have them.



Tom and Donna Mason
Athens, Texas
ICQ #1294190

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