Rat own!
I retired from full-time work in 1998. I'm still "working" but at my pace, not the pace required to run a multi-employee biz. And the hangers on? The know it alls? The pain in the ass knowledge suckers? The "the guy down the street will do it for less" assholes? Screw 'em. I'm at a point now where if a guy asks my opinion and I give it and he wants to argue or discuss it, I simply tell him to go somewhere else. I gotta play golf.
If I sound bitter, I'm not. I'm actually comfortable and settled in my retirement. But you shoulda seen me 10 years ago. Heart bypass surgery and retirement mellowed me ;-)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: It Must Be Nice!

In a message dated 3/5/03 9:57:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Give me four and a half years more
and I will join you retired gentlemen.

Retired? Who's retired. Tired, hell yeah.

Some of us do this for a living! Besides the best way to make money in the golf industry is to start with $5 million.   In five years you will have $1 million and lots of retired "friends" hanging out in your store, hitting golf balls, drinking coffee and wishing they never retired 'cause now they can't afford new clubs or greens fees. The advantage is they are there for "testemoanials" when a real customer arrives. I should charge a membership fee to join the "cracker barrel gang". This is a "green grass shop" the grass is always "greener" in other shops. Don't waste your time "retireing" unless you are selling Goodrich, Michelin, or Bridgestone products Never burn your bridges - sell them!  "I bet you play alot of golf"  Answer : "Not at all.......I'm a prisoner in the golf factory".  And loving every minute of the sentence!

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