L.H., nice article.  Is sometimes hard to to get scholarly about golf.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 10:44 AM
Subject: ShopTalk: Article on the physics of golf

Hi all,

The British Institute of Physics (IOP) is making available a nice literature review dealing with the physics of golf. Normally this article would set you back a fair piece of change, but IOP is a very progressive publisher. This URL will take you there:


The author is A. Raymond Penner, who has published research on the question of the optimum launch angle for drives. He reviews literature in three major areas:

o   the golf swing
o   the golf ball
o   the golf club

The article covers 41 pages and cites a large number of references. My personal favorite piece of research is Nishizawa, who "examined the effect of adding water to the inside of the shaft. ...the angular momentum of the club was 44% greater at impact than for a conventional club." Clearly the answer to our dreams - but wouldn't heavy water add even more explosiveness to our drives?


L. H. Kevil

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