First of all, good luck with the DBS operation, we're all pulling for you!

Regarding the "Kennedy", "like the Kennedy" , "just as good as the Kennedy" , shaft puller being sold on eBay.
Perhaps you should let the lawyers take care of it. One letter from a lawyer should put a stop to it.
Although any reasonable person would be angry about it (and rightfully so), you getting angry and having it on your mind all the time can't be good for you, especially before an operation.
Then when you're all healed, you can go after him with "both barrels"!
Your health is most important!


Richard Kennedy wrote:

I would like to say I am truly sorry for my outburst this AM which I directed to a person or persons unknown to me that was attempting to sell a shaft puller under my name.    A friend of a friend of mine, local new clubmaker, showed me his new shaft puller, which he said he bought from E-Bay For $99.00, which in no way, physically or quality wise would ever or should never be looked upon as my puller or any type workmanship that comes out of my shop.   Before anything goes out of my shop it is tested until I am satisfied with it's quality and workmanship, in other words "I don't Build Junk".  But the puller that was shown to me had my companies name attached to it.   If it ever gets to the point that I can not produce as good a puller or better than I now produce I will get out of the complete machining business.    So again with out futher info I must say I am truly sorry, my wife Marion says it most likely from all of the med's, 14 different prescription med's per day, which must be taken w/in a certain time limit of each other.    And plus my up coming interview at the Emory Clinic for my DBS, Deep Brain Stimulation, operation which I do and I don't really want to go through that made me react like I did. RK 

manufacturer's of world class club repair tooling

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