I will build NF2's for what seems to be the going rate of $250. I maybe able to get it down to $230 or so if I build more then one by buying parts in bulk. The first DI I bought was $13 plus shipping and handling of an equal amount, so it cost me about $26. I found a place to buy them cheaper and if I buy enough, shipping is free and the handling charge is the same for one as it is for 10. Plus if I build more then one at a time it's faster because I don't have to change the settings on the saws, drill press and router to fabricate the wood parts. The time consuming part is putting on a good finish, fabricating the metal parts and the time it takes to pack for shipping. I hate to pay handle charges to but I did take me about an hour to pack one. Boxes that size are hard to come by, I've been looking, may have find a place to buy them.  
I shipped one to Tennessee from Minnesota, the UPS cost was about $13.
I have pictures posted on Neu-Finder page. I think you will find them to be very professional looking and workmanship second now.  df

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