OK, Dave. You got me on the OEM screw-up. Do you suppose any of Adams expert 
club makers lurk in the background of Shoptalk?  Oh, I forgot. Twelve year old 
Chinese girls are probably prohibited from looking at any site not authorized 
by their government. Keep swinging!
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dave Tutelman<mailto:dtutel...@optonline.net> 
  To: ShopTalk@mail.msen.com<mailto:ShopTalk@mail.msen.com> ; 
  Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:53 PM
  Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Easy fix for sliding ferrules

  At 01:50 PM 1/16/2011, Craig Froke wrote:
  >I used to resort to this "fix" occasionally and it always frustrated 
  >me so I looked for a way of eliminating the problem. I believe the 
  >problem is a too-smooth ID of the ferrule so I have been wire 
  >brushing the ID of the ferrule before installation.

  An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure, to be sure. But if you 
  didn't build the club yourself, you better know the cure as well.

  In this case, it was an OEM [specifically Adams] driver with a 
  ferrule that had migrated.


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