10 days ago I asked for advise to reshaft my driver, and I had given too
little information.

The following link (https://goo.gl/photos/rQ5foUUENHbSRLLx5) shows 2
screenshots from a short session with Flightscope.
The first 5 shots are the relevant ones as 6&7 are from my teaching pro and
the last 2 are probably from my 3 wood.

One remarkable fact seems to be the every high spinrate which may be the
result of the rather high ballflight I have.

Facts about the driver:

   - Head Model Wishon 919THi 11 degrees
   - Shaft Wishon S2S white
   - Total weight 323
   - Swingweight C8.5
   - Balancepoint 32.63 Inch
   - Length 44 1/8 Inch

Of course I would love to get some advise regarding another shaft in this
driver to get some of the length back I lost the past years.

Thanks very much in advance !

Leo Noordhuizen - he Netherlands

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