Bart Verstraete wrote:
>Hi got this server far far away from my location, I used shorewall 3.0.4
>as it is ubuntu dapper 6.06 install. port 22 is unblocked and everything
>else is blocked. So far so good. The system is up and running. I wanne
>install openswan so my router can connect to my server and take the
>server up in my local network. There is one of my problems, openswan
>needs two if interfaces and i got only one with a public ip. So I used a
>virtual interface but then everything is blocked as on the real if
>interface, except port 22.

You'll need to give more information if you expect any useful help - 

>Second problem. I wanne us vmware and if I set up a vm I wanne give the
>vm a public ip.
>I am shure this is all possible but I can't find out how.

Do you have a second IP to give it ? If not then it isn't going to work.

If your provider at the other end has given you more than one usable 
IP then you can do it, but that's not a shorewall issue, that's a 
simple VMware setup/configuration issue. After you've configured 
VMware then you can use Shorewall to protect it - but get the VMware 
working first.

BTW, I assume VMware does bridging similar to Xen - if so then I can 
tell you that setting up Shorewall is far, far from trivial. To be 
brutally honest, your questions suggest that you do not have the 
skills to do this. Don't take this as a personal criticism, but I get 
the impression that you lack sufficient fundamental knowledge of 
networking & firewalling - and whilst people are willing to try and 
help you, I suspect it will be a frustrating experience for all 

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