<quote who="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
> DNS not being special case does make sense. Do you have any suggestions
> on how to deal with the DNS look up failures when the requests are sent
> to wrong provider.

Easyest is to actually have your own Internal DNS Caching Server.
Configured in a way it has alterative forwarders, it will take care of
serving all internal clients, and fail over to the next available

As you are customer of both providers, they should accept request from
this DNS Server, and your prolbem is solved. One advantage is also, that
your DNS Requests will be served way faster than through the ISP Link, and
you don't need any special configuration on any other device to have this
setup working.

| Joerg Mertin              :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                (Home)|
| in Forchheim/Germany      :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  (Alt1)|
| Stardust's LiNUX System   :                                          |
| Web: http://www.solsys.org                                           |
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