I have an old Pentium II which I use as a gateway and firewall
for a home network. The external interface is a modem on ppp and the
internal interface is ethernet. I have had this setup running
successfully for many years starting with the early 2.x series

My ISP recently changed my dial-up 'phone number and presumably also
the system at the other end of my modem (they won't tell me). Ever
since this change I have had regular kernel panics (5-6 per day
depending on activity). I can reproduce the crash by initiating a port
scan from the Shields Up website.

The kernel panics can be avoided by doing a shorewall stop, removing
shorewall entirely, setting shorewall to debug and using an
alternative ISP. When set to debug the old Pentium II has CPU at about
85% dealing with syslog.

Any suggestions?

Shorewall 3.2.6-2
Linux kernel 2.6.22 (also tried 2.6.18 same symptom)
ppp 3.2.6-2
Debian Etch


Shorewall conf files
kernel info file including kern.log (just prior to crash and reboot)
kernel panic (transcribed from photograph)

Kind regards,

Attachment: kernel.panic.transcribed
Description: Binary data

Attachment: kernel-info.txt.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: interfaces
Description: Binary data

Attachment: masq
Description: Binary data

Attachment: policy
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rules.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: shorewall.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: zones
Description: Binary data

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