Tom Eastep wrote:
> Stephen Brown wrote:
>> I'm using 4.4.0, so that would make RFC1918_STRICT deprecated?
>> I'm just a little confused now on the network settings for the port that
>> is attached to the DSL modem, it's on eth0.
>> I currently have this setup in /etc/network/interfaces (I'm running
>> Debian 5.0 "Lenny"):
>> # eth0 interface facing internet
>> auto eth0
>> iface eth0 inet static
>> address (last octet masked)
>> netmask
>> gateway
>> The DSL modem is in bridged mode, and I can't get to it unless I add an
>> alias, this is how it is configured presently:
>> # virtual interface to DSL modem
>> auto eth0:0
>> iface eth0:0 inet static
>> address
>> netmask
>> For this to work correctly like you mention below, would I need to
>> replace the static settings for eth0? I think if I do that the modem may
>> not be aware of it's static IP configuration, but I could be wrong....
>> Or am I completely off base alltogether? :)
> Your modem has a different address from mine so you will have to adjust
> my suggestions to match your setup. The eth0:0 stanza above does the
> same thing as my 'ip addr add' command (except that the addresses are
> different). Now you need to add:
>       post-up ip route add dev eth0

Actually, you don't need that; your eth0:0 stanza will add a net route

Tom Eastep        \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who
Shoreline,         \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like
Washington, USA     \ all of the passengers in his car \________________________________________________

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