On 07/07/11 14:39, Tom Eastep wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-07-07 at 04:22 -0700, J. Randall Owens wrote:
>> I take that back now.  While it's not on that page, I see where Tc.pm has
>> a place for picking out an IP address as a third parameter.  In that case,
>> I'd say that process_tc_rule is messing up at line 206/208, where it
>> checks $originalmark to make sure splitting it on colons doesn't produce
>> three or more fields, which was safe with the old MARK values which never
>> had addresses, either IPv4 or IPv6, but might have a colon in there
>> before the [CFPTI] values.  And when it finds three (though the second is
>> that empty non-space between the colons), it spits out that error message.
>> (And this time, Tom, I'm looking at a git checkout, not an ancient 4.4.17.
>> ;)
> :-)
> Attached is a patch which allows an IPv6 address in the third parameter.
> Enclosing the address in [...] or<...>  is optional.
> Now for the manpages.
> -Tom

Great, that works perfectly!


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