Thank you for your suggestions.

First, just want to point out this is not shorewall-related, I
apologize for being off-topic.

I ran additional tests with shorewall turned off and I get the same

Anyway, the same behavior I saw over the internet, I see in the
internal network.

I can transfer data from firewall to servers ("upload") very fast.
But the other way around, from servers to firewall, is horribly slow.

Transferring data between the servers (so it goes through the "loc"
network switch) is very fast both ways, so I can rule out network
problems between the servers.

So it's really narrowed down to only the communication between the
firewall and servers - and only in one direction. This is very
strange. I'm going to replace the network cable just to see if that
makes a difference.

At Tuesday, 12-06-2011 on 8:31 "Casey Bralla"  wrote:

Interesting problem. Here are some things you might like to check
what you've already done).

1. Try SFTP from different servers behind the firewall. It may be
something as simple as a bum network card on one of your servers.
(although I would have thought your logs would have shown that)

2. Run Wireshark (or something similar) to listen in to the network
traffic during the transfer. You might get clues to the actual
transmission, or see some other disruptive traffic.

3. Watch the blinken lights and see if the network is congested, or
something wrong with the transmission rate.

4. Verify that you don't have an IP conflict (2 devices with the same
fighting for control.

Good luck!

> One other piece of information...
> This "blockage" seems to be only for download (from server to
> internet).
> I tried sftp tests uploading data (from internet to server) and the
> transfer is fast as expected. But try to download and we're back
> to ridiculously low data rates.
> :-(
> At Monday, 12-05-2011 on 23:52 "Ricardo Kleemann" wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know what's happened suddenly to my firewall.
> I see no sign of device trouble, nothing very telling in my logs.
> of a sudden my data transfer rate has dropped drastically, but this
> only for servers behind the firewall.
> I've rebooted the servers, rebooted the firewall, rebooted network
> switch.
> For data transfer testing, I run sftp to the server shorewall is
> running on. And I get very fast transfers as expected.
> However if I attempt sftp to any server behind shorewall (in the
> network) then I get ridiculous 10KB/s. This just happened suddenly
> I have not been able to figure this out.
> On the shorewall server, I look at the eth devices and I look at
> /var/log/messages and I don't see any evidence of problems. I'm not
> seeing any sort of driver or kernel errors logged.
> What could be "blocking" the transfer? How could I properly
> this?
> I'm really lost at what could be happening here.
> I appreciate any help.
> Thank you
> Ricardo
> Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
> This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and
> of
> discussion for anyone considering optimizing the pricing and
> model
> of a cloud services business. Read Now!
> Shorewall-users mailing list

Casey Bralla
Chief Nerd in Residence
The NerdWorld Organisation

Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and
point of 
discussion for anyone considering optimizing the pricing and
packaging model 
of a cloud services business. Read Now!
Shorewall-users mailing list

Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and point of 
discussion for anyone considering optimizing the pricing and packaging model 
of a cloud services business. Read Now!
Shorewall-users mailing list

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