This problem probably has a simple solution, so I'm hoping the experienced 
shorewall users can help me.

I've got a 3-interface (net,dmz, & loc) firewall and have several apache2 
virtual web sites in the dmz.  They come into 1 apache server in the dmz, and 
are redirected with the directive "ProxyPass" and "ProxyPassReverse" in my 
Apache "sites-enabled" files to other servers in the dmz.

In most cases, the proxy'd web servers are in virtual machines in the dmz.  In 
1 case, however, I want to have this server in my local subnet.

So here are the details:

Ext IP -> Shorewall -> Apache2 at -> PROXYPASS ->  Apache2 at

Currently, when I try this, I get a "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" 
error.  The server at works just fine when I access it from within 
the local subnet.  Additionally, thre are no weird errors in any of the apache 
logs.  I am sure this is a firewall problem.

I've read the Squid Proxy documentation, but I am not knowledgeable enough to 
apply this to my situation.

Can someone suggest the correct entry into the "rules" file to allow the apache 
server in the dmz to proxypass to a server in the loc subnet?


Casey Bralla

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