On 8/22/2013 9:06 PM, Mark D. Montgomery II wrote:
> I would like to add in a blacklist from lists of known bad IPs/Domains
> (scammers/spammers/phishers/etc.), but seem to be having some problems.
> I add the list into the /etc/shorewall/blacklist file and then either
> restart or refresh shorewall, but it never finishes.
> When I look at iptables while shorewall is starting I see a number of
> rules added, but then I see a number of rules added for dropping from
> the opendns fail servers (hit-nxdomain.opendns.com and
> hit-servfail.opendns.com).
> I assume these are from it doing lookups on domains that are no longer
> there since the list was compiled, so it ends up adding rules blocking
> those, which then seems to halt the list processing shortly thereafter.FA

Placing DNS names in the Shorewall config files is a really bad idea.
See http://www.shorewall.net/co.nfiguration_file_basics.htm#dnsnames
> I tried adding ACCEPT rules in for the ip ranges and domain names for
> the opendns servers but it didn't make a difference (apparently the
> blacklist processing overrides the rules in the rules file?).


> Is there anything I can do short of pre-processing the lists to filter
> out the no-longer-there domains?

My advice is to not use Shorewall to filter by DNS name.

Tom Eastep        \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who
Shoreline,         \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like
Washington, USA     \ all of the passengers in his car
http://shorewall.net \________________________________________________

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