On 08/31/2013 05:41 AM, Alan McKay wrote: > Hey folks, > > I'm currently using the shorewall "blacklist" to control my kids' > access to the internet, and in general it works well but is a lot of > work. > > What I'm looking for is something I can run on my Linux firewall that > can do this for me. I could write this myself but it would take time > and hey, maybe someone already did this. > > Basic features would be to have a user list, and a device list. > Users are allotted a certain amount of time per day (settable per > user) and they log into the home firewall via a web interface, and > enable a certain device (tablet, WDTV, PS3) for a certain amount of > time. > > Does something like that already exist?
There are probably some squidGuard modules/plugin scripts to do this, but another option might be a captive portal product like http://coova.org/CoovaChilli or similar. A lot of home routers even have this sort of thing built in, like Mikrotik & DD-WRT. They're targeted at wifi hotspots in Internet cafes and the like, but they would probably do the job in your situation as well. Paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How ServiceNow helps IT people transform IT departments: 1. Consolidate legacy IT systems to a single system of record for IT 2. Standardize and globalize service processes across IT 3. Implement zero-touch automation to replace manual, redundant tasks http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=51271111&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk _______________________________________________ Shorewall-users mailing list Shorewall-users@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/shorewall-users