Shorewall 4.5.21 is now available for testing.

Problems corrected since Beta 3:

1)  If a Shorewall-lite installation used an /etc/shorewall-lite/vardir
    file to set a non-standard state directory, the 'load' and 'reload
    commands on the administrative system would send the firewall and
    firewall.conf files to the wrong directory on the firewall system.

New Features since Beta 3:

1)  The generated firewall script inserts a host route for each
    provider gateway into both the main routing table and into the
    provider's routing table. This is necessary on older kernels to
    avoid failure of default route insertion into the tables.

    It has been discovered, however, that these host routes prevent
    Zebra from being able to add routes on some distributions, most
    notably Debian 7.0. To work around this issue, two new provider
    options are now available:

        hostroute   This is the default and causes the host routes
                    described above to be inserted.

        nohostroute Prevents the host routes from being inserted.

2)  It was previously not possible for Perl code in an action file to
    change the rule comment as is done using the ?COMMENT directive
    outside of Perl.

    To allow actions to manipulate the current comment, two functions
    are made available:

        push_comment() Clears the current rule comment and returns
                       that comment to the caller.

        set_comment($) Sets the current rule comment to the passed

    Typical usage would be:

        ?BEGIN PERL
        use Shorewall::Config;
        my $oldcomment = push_comment(); #Save and clear current
                                         #current rule comment
        set_comment('This is a comment');
        add_ijump(....);                 #This rule will have comment
                                         # /* This is a comment */
        set_comment('');                 #Clear current rule comment
        add_ijump(....);                 #This rule has no comment
        set_comment($oldcomment)         #Restore caller's comment
                                         #if any.
        ?END PERL

Thank you for testing.

Tom Eastep        \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who
Shoreline,         \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like
Washington, USA     \ all of the passengers in his car \________________________________________________

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