Jan Hoersch <jan.hoer...@hoeja.de> wrote:

> During restart of the VM the vif gets removed and newly assigned to the
> bridge. It seems something changed in enumerating the vif and the
> iptable rules don't match up with the new vif.

Yes, that's normal. The VM index increments each time a VM is started - the 
first will be 1, the next 2, the next 3, and so on. Restart 1 and it'll start 
up as whatever the previous highest number is +1 - AFAIK the numbers are not 
reused, but I don't know what happens on a busy system with lots of guests 
and/or lots of guest restarts.

Thus you cannot rely on "vifx.y" to remain stable.

One option is that you can specify a custom VIF name in the guest config (I'm 
assuming you're running Xen). Eg :
vif  = [ 'bridge=br0,vifname=somespecialname' ]
This will keep your VIF names consistent - but don't ever clone a guest config 
and forget to change it - guess how I know what that does ! The VIF will still 
be removed and re-added if you stop and start the guest (not too sure about a 

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