
Thanks for your answer!

a) I tried re-configuring everything to use USE_DEFAULT_RT=Yes.

Now, by default, all traffic goes through the vpn.
I put something like this in the routing rules

998 from all iif lo lookup Coop

so that all traffic from the $FW goes through the Coop provider on wlan1.

But this makes the marking of packets for user rtorrent (in tcrules) useless, because I never get to
match these rules

10000:  from all fwmark 0x1/0xff lookup Coop
10001:  from all fwmark 0x2/0xff lookup VPN

sorry if I am misunderstanding something.

b) I'm not sure what you mean here.
I am using the .ovpn file supplied by my VPN provider. They are pushing routing rules into my main table from their server.
Should I insert a route-nopull in the .ovpn client file?

I attach another dump with the new configuration.


Nella citazione in data Wed Apr 30 12:06:40 2014, Tom Eastep ha scritto:
On 4/29/2014 2:50 PM, Marcello Giordano wrote:

Thanks for this great piece of software!
I'm trying to setup my network as follows:

$FW machine is running shorewall and has two NICs, one (wlan1) connected
to the internet through a router; the second (eth0) masquerading a subnet.
I recently bought a VPN access (I use OpenVPN on interface tun0) and
followed the multi-isp howto to set it up two provicers, 1 on wlan1
(fallback) and 2 on tun0 (balanced).

What I am trying to achieve is to have the $FW and the subnet connected
to eth0 use the main internet connection through wlan1, and no VPN.

Only one specific user on the $FW (called rtorrent) would have instead
all is traffic routed through the VPN (I'm marking his packages with "2"
in tcrules).

This is proving to be extremely tricky. I can route all the traffic from
the firewall through wlan1 by default, and I can redirect traffic
through the VPN binding application to the IP address of tun0. The
specific user though, has no connection whatsoever when I activate the
tcrule marking his packets...

I am using USE_DEFAULT_RT=no and openvpn is pulling routing rules from
the server, copying them in the main table.

Two things jump out immediately:

a) You are using USE_DEFAULT_RT=No with a VPN. From

    "For those VPN types that use routing to direct traffic to remote
    VPN clients (including but not limited to OpenVPN in routed mode and
    PPTP), the VPN software adds a host route to the main table for each
    VPN client. The best approach is to use USE_DEFAULT_RT=Yes as
    described below. If that isn't possible, you must add a routing rule
    in the 1000-1999 range to specify the main table for traffic
    addressed to those clients. See Example 2 below."

    When the VPN tunnel is a provider, it is essential that you
    configure USE_DEFAULT_RT=Yes.

b) You have configured OpenVPN to redirect its default route out of the
    VPN tunnel. That is wrong when the VPN tunnel is also a provider.


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Attachment: dump.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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