> From: "Tom Eastep" <teas...@shorewall.net> 
> Date: 10/09/15 12:59 

> > When having a complex TC configuration for both IPv4 and IPv6,
> > setting TC_ENABLED=Internal in both Shorewall .conf files seems
> > natural.  Is this the way to proceed ?

> You want TC_ENABLED=Internal in one configuration and TC_ENABLED=Shared
> in the other. See shorewall.conf (5) and shorewall6.conf (5). You then
> created symbolic links from the configuration with the 'shared' setting
> to the tcdevices and tcclasses files in the other configuration.
> Also note the warnings about the settings for CLEAR_TC in both files.

Thanks.  Instead of symlinks, would the same TC files copied in both 
directories also work ?  In other words, why would symlinks matter ?


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