OK, this is getting too deep for me. On Linux Mint Cinnamon 18, I'm
running Shorewall and apache2 (and isc-dhcp-server, openssh-server and
samba). One of the interfaces apache is listening on has a number of
additional ip addresses matching DNAT rules. Apache fails to start on
boot because the attempt to listen on this interface (on the base IP
address) fails. It's not clear whether this is because shorewall is
still starting or because the basic networking is still messing about
adding IP addresses to the interface. Starting apache later by handworks

The whole init system on Mint 18 seems a mess. Shorewall is started by
systemd from /lib/systemd/shorewall.service, apache is started by SysV
init from /etc/init.d/apache2, whereas sshd and samba are started by
upstart from /etc/init/ssh.conf and /etc/init/samba.conf. I think in
fact systemd is masquerading as init - there's no inittab, but how
systemd and upstart dependencies are supposed to resolve is as yet a
mystery to me.

A long time ago (on Mint 17) I had a problem with sshd not starting
which was fixed by putting a sleep 5 in /etc/init/ssh.conf and this fix
also works on Mint18.

I could presumably put a sleep 5 in /etc/init.d/apache2 but the real
solution would be to sort out the dependencies. Any idea how to do that?

Regards - Philip

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