I have a server who's only purpose is to run a bunch of virtualized guests (libvirt/kvm). The server has 4 NIC's that are all bridged. 2 are connected to internet, 2 to private lan. The guests have their own firewall and get their ip either fixed or from a DHCP elsewhere on the network, some guests have 2 NIC's assigned, one to local lan and one with a public ip (for example NIC1 is assigned to br0 + NIC2 is assigned to br2. Only one bridge has an ip address assigned (on a local lan) so i can SSH into the virtual host from the local lan, the host doesn't need connection to the internet itself.

This is the setup:
NIC     Bridge + IP     Connected to
eth0    br0
eth1    br1 - 
eth2    br2 -           internet ISP1
eth3    br3 -           internet ISP2

I am not worried about traffic flowing between guests on a bridge, and the virtual host doesn't have a ipv4/ipv6 address assigned to it on any of the other interfaces but I guess firewall the virtual host is a good thing to do. The virtual guests have their own firewall running (which was a fairly straightforward configuration).

I thought up a setup like this :

    lan1  br0 - tcpflags,nosmurfs,bridge
    lan2  br1 - tcpflags,nosmurfs,bridge
    net1  br2 - 
    net2  br3 - 
(Will i need to add 'routeback' in addition to 'bridge'?)

    fw   firewall
    lan1 ipv4
    lan2 ipv4
    net1 ipv4
    net2 ipv4

How should i configure /etc/shorewall/policy ? In principle I don't want to directly connect local LAN to internet, some guests do function as a gateway (but take care of that themselves), will i need to allow traffic between the zones, i.e. :
    lan1  net1  ACCEPT
    lan1  net2  ACCEPT
    lan2  net1  ACCEPT
    lan2  net2  ACCEPT
    lan1  lan2  ACCEPT
    lan2  lan1  ACCEPT
    net   all   DROP  info
    all   all   REJECT  info
Or I don't need any rules for LANx<->NETx since the guests do their own
routing between their interfaces on either bridge ?

The virtual host isn't a router/gateway and shouldn't become one.

Anything else I should beware of?

Thanks for any advice!


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