On 08/07/2017 03:35 PM, Matt Darfeuille wrote:
> On 8/7/2017 10:51 PM, Tom Eastep wrote:
>> On 08/07/2017 01:45 PM, Matt Darfeuille wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My net interface gets it's ip address dinamically asigned by a dhcp server.
>>> Sometime I need that address for SNAT, DNAT rules and so on...
>>> I use a variable throughout Shorewall that is defined in the params file.
>>> Everytime that this ip change, I need to change it manually.
>>> I'm currently testing the following to let Shorewall know about that new ip:
>>> I have a script in /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks that do:
>>> case $reason in
>>>     bound)
>>>         echo $new_ip_address > /etc/shorewall/current_net_ip
>>>         shorewall reload
>>>         ;;
>>> esac
>>> then in /etc/shorewall/params:
>>> CURRENT_NET_IP=$(cat /etc/shorewall/current_net_ip)
>>> then I can use 'CURRENT_NET_Ip' throughout Shorewall.
>>> I could clearly asign a fix address but for the sake of understanding...
>>> Is there a better way to let shorewall know when my net interface gets a
>>> new ip or fix address is the way to go?
>> The best way is to use an address variable
>> (
>> You still need to use an exit-hook script though.
> Can I use address variable in the DEST column of the rules file?
> /etc/shorewall/init:
> /etc/shorewall/rules.d/DNAT.rules:
> $ shorewall check
>    ERROR: Unknown Host (&{NEW_IP_ADDRESS})
> /etc/shorewall/rules.d/DNAT.rules (line 14)
>       from /etc/shorewall/rules (line 25)
> in 
> I'm tired so I could be rong!

Address variables currently cannot be used in the DEST column of a DNAT
rule. But to do what you want in that case, just use a REDIRECT rule.

Tom Eastep        \   Q: What do you get when you cross a mobster with
Shoreline,         \     an international standard?
Washington, USA     \ A: Someone who makes you an offer you can't \   understand

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