Shorewall 5.1.6 is now available for download.

Problems Corrected:

1)  This release contains defect repair through Shorewall

2) states
    that $SHAREDIR and $CONFDIR can be used in extension scripts, that
    has not been true for some time. Beginning with this release, those
    variables are once again available in the generated script.

3)  Under very rare circumstances, when OPTIMIZE level 8 was used,
    messages such as the following could be issued during compilation:

    Use of uninitialized value in hash element at
       /usr/share/shorewall/Shorewall/ line 818.
    Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
       /usr/share/shorewall/Shorewall/ line 823.

    That has been corrected.

4)  Previously, Shorewall's treatment of wildcard interfaces differed
    from Netfilter's. Shorewall did not consider 'eth' to match 'eth+'
    while Netfilter did. Beginning with this release, Shorewall is
    consistent with Netfilter.

5)  Previously, systemd could attempt to start the IPv4 and IPv6
    firewalls simultaneously, which might lead to iptables-restore and
    ip6tables-restore being run at the same time resulting in a failure
    to start one of the firewalls.

    Beginning with this release, Shorewall and Shorwall6 will be
    started serially as will Shorewall-lite and Shorewall6-lite.

6)  To prevent other init systems from starting the IPv4 and IPv6
    firewalls in parallel, the ip[6]-tables-restore '--wait' option, if
    available, is used. This change introduces a new
    RESTORE_WAIT_OPTION capability.

    Note: If the new capability is not available on your system, and
    you don't run systemd, you can still avoid the parallel start
    problem by configuring the same LOCKFILE in both your
    shorewall.conf and shorewall6.conf files.

7)  Previously, the RDP macro only allowed TCP traffic, even though RDP
    also requires UDP. That has been corrected so that both protocols
    are allowed.

New Features:

1)  The SPARSE option in shorewallrc originally caused only
    shorewall[6].conf to be installed in /etc/shorewall[6], but later
    the conntrack and params files were also installed. To prevent
    these additional files from being installed, SPARSE may now be set
    to 'Very', either by editing the file directly or by using the
    configure or scripts.

    This setting is recommended if you wish to use a single set of
    configuration files for both IPv4 and IPv6 as described at

2)  Two new run-time extensions scripts have been added:

    - enabled

      Invoked when an optional interface has been successfully enabled
      using the 'enable' command.

    - disabled

      Invoked when an optional interface has been successfully disabled
      using the 'disable' command.

    Like all run-time extension scripts, the contents of each script
    are placed in a function body. In the case of these new scripts,
    the function is passed arguments:

        $1 = the physical name of the interface
        $2 = the logical name of the interface
        $3 = the name of the Provider, if any, associated with the

3)  When a zone (z1) is defined to be a sub-zone of another zone (z2),
    the compiler now verifies that the two zones have at least one
    interface in common. If they do not, a warning message is

       WARNING: Zone z1 is defined to be a sub-zone of z2, yet the two
                zones have no interface in common

4)  Runtime address variables may now be used as the server IP address
    and Runtime port variables may be used as the server port in DNAT


        DNAT    net     $FW:&eth1:%{PORT}       tcp     9999

5)  Previously, systemd could attempt to start the IPv4 and IPv6
    firewalls simultaneously, which might lead to iptables-restore and
    ip6tables-restore being run at the same time resulting in a failure
    to start one of the firewalls.

    Beginning with this release, Shorewall and Shorwall6 will be
    started serially as will Shorewall-lite and Shorewall6-lite.

6)  To prevent problems when other init systems start the IPv4 and IPv6
    firewalls in parallel, the ip[6]-tables '--wait' option, if
    available, is used. The amount of time to wait is determined by the
    setting of MUTEX_TIMEOUT (default 60 seconds). This change
    introduces a new RESTORE_WAIT_OPTION capability.

    Note: If the new capability is not available on your system, and
    you don't run systemd, you can still avoid the parallel start
    problem by configuring the same LOCKFILE in both your
    shorewall.conf and shorewall6.conf files.

7)  Previously, the sample configuration files specified
    MODULE_SUFFIX="ko ko.xz", whereas the default .conf files specified
    MODULE_SUFFIX=ko. The latter no longer works on RHEL7-based
    systems. Beginning with this release, the default .conf files also
    specify MODULE_SUFFIX=:ko ko.xz".

Thank you for using Shorewall,

Tom Eastep        \   Q: What do you get when you cross a mobster with
Shoreline,         \     an international standard?
Washington, USA     \ A: Someone who makes you an offer you can't \   understand

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