El oct. 28, 2017 7:42 PM, Tom Eastep <teas...@shorewall.net> escribió:

On 10/27/2017 05:44 PM, Rommel Rodriguez Toirac wrote:
> Hello all;
>  here I send some configs and traces of my shorewall firewall.
> I have been made some workaround, so maybe this is a little diferent to
> the one that I send in the shorewall-dump.tar.gz; but still the problem
> is present.
> This are the situation. 
> Our networks are private.
> (municipals network use provinces network services)
> Some network that are outside of my office network use some service in
> these; for example, my smtp service is used like pasarell for the email
> service in this offices, they use mailboxes accessed with pop3 service,
> they use the FTP server an use the jabber service that we serve. 
> (municipals offices have his own DNS and Domain)
> Our municipals offices have his own DNS services and his Domain,
> managent with the Windows 2008 Active Directory, so the resolution of
> his PCs name and IP numbers are locally for they.
> (IP address and PC names unknow)
> In the municipal offices, the DNS service have a Forwarder configured,
> for all PCs names or IP number unknow for they, to be send to my bind
> server. The Forwarder IP number is the IP of the net (or internet)
> interfaces in my shorewall config [] This is with the
> intention of configure all services in municipals netowrks using DNS
> names and not IP numbers. For example, to access to my FTP server, use
> ftp.gtm.onat.gob.cu and not a number.
> (bind with views in my DMZ)
> In the DMZ (provincial network) I have configured a DNS service with
> bind using views listtening to the request of the municipals networks.
> When I point to ftp.gtm.onat.gob.cu from some PC in municipal network,
> nothing happen, neather shorewall log the event. When I point to
> the connection is stablished with no problems. Nothing that
> I try to access with PC or alias names of my network is success,
> everything must be done with IP address.
> Nevertheless, I made a test with nslookup from a PC in a municipal
> network and this is the answer:
> ###nslookup from gtm08
> C:\Users\Administrador>nslookup
> Servidor predeterminado:  gtm08.cai.gtm.onat.gob.cu
> Address:
>> gtmem
> Servidor:  gtm08.cai.gtm.onat.gob.cu
> Address:
> Respuesta no autoritativa:
> Nombre:  gtmem.gtm.onat.gob.cu
> Address:
>> mail.gtm.onat.gob.cu
> Servidor:  gtm08.cai.gtm.onat.gob.cu
> Address:
> Respuesta no autoritativa:
> Nombre:  gtmem.gtm.onat.gob.cu
> Address:
> Aliases:  mail.gtm.onat.gob.cu
> What I made wrong? Where is my mistake? Shorewall or bind or Windows
> 2008 DNS config? Why is impossible to uses PC names or alias in services
> access from outside my network?

Your DNS server is returning *private* (RFC1918) addresses to systems in
the Municipal Network. To those systems, it must return the public IP
address of your firewall. This is addressed by using split DNS -- let
your DMZ server handle local clients and let your DMZ server handle
external clients.

Tom Eastep

 Thank you for answer me.
 This mean that I must change the registers of my external view to something in range?
 I have some error in concept. For example, the IP  of all my PCs in the DMZ are in segment and I must configure the external view in the named in Is that right?
 Then my named must see like this(just the part of views and registers)   
/////// named.conf

view "interno"
    redlocal; dmz;
    include "named.rfc1912.zones";
    empty-zones-enable yes;
// Las zonas internas
zone "gtm.onat.gob.cu" IN
    type master;
    file "gtm.onat.gob.cu.interno.db";
zone "41.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN
    type master;
    file "41.168.192.interno.db";
zone "14.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN
    type master;
    file "14.168.192.interno.db";
view "externo"
    empty-zones-enable yes;
// Las zonas externas
zone "gtm.onat.gob.cu" IN
    type master;
    file "gtm.onat.gob.cu.externo.db";
zone "120.16.172.in-addr.arpa" IN
    type master;
    file "120.16.172.externo.db";
key "rndc-key" {
       algorithm hmac-md5;
       secret "D3DAFLYaFhTppnOQ85Cc1A==";
 controls {
       inet port 953
               allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
/////// the records for the direct zone in the external view gtm.onat.gob.cu.externo.db

;Fichero de configuracion del DNS para la zona gtm.onat.gob.cu
$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA gtmnd.gtm.onat.gob.cu. root.gtm.onat.gob.cu. (
604800 )
; PC(s) servidor(es) de nombre de dominio
IN NS gtmnd.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
; PC encargada de los servicio de mensajeria electronica
IN MX  10 gtmem.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
; nombre de las estaciones de trabajo y sus respectivas direcciones IP
gtmo IN A
gtmem IN A
gtmpx IN A
gtmnd IN A
; PC con alias y sus respectivas direcciones IP
mail IN CNAME gtmem.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
proxy IN CNAME gtmpx.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
/////// the records for the reverse zone in the external view 120.16.172.externo.db

;Fichero de configuracion del DNS para la zona gtm.onat.gob.cu
$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA gtmnd.gtm.onat.gob.cu. root.gtm.onat.gob.cu. (
2017102501 ;Serial
604800 ;Refresh
86400 ;Retry
2419200 ;Expire
604800 ;Defaul TTL
; PC(s) servidor(es) de nombre de dominio
IN NS gtmnd.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
1 IN PTR gtmo.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
4 IN PTR gtmem.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
5 IN PTR gtmpx.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
6 IN PTR gtmnd.gtm.onat.gob.cu.

///////// the records in the direct zone in internal view gtm.onat.gob.cu.interno.db

;Fichero de configuracion del DNS para la zona gtm.onat.gob.cu
$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA gtmnd.gtm.onat.gob.cu. root.gtm.onat.gob.cu. (
604800 )
; PC(s) servidor(es) de nombre de dominio
IN NS gtmad.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
IN NS gtmnd.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
; PC encargada de los servicio de mensajeria electronica
IN MX  10 gtmem.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
; nombre de las estaciones de trabajo y sus respectivas direcciones IP
gtmnd IN A
gtmem IN A
gtmpx IN A
gtmad IN A
P100 IN A
P101 IN A
P102 IN A
; PC con alias y sus respectivas direcciones IP
mail IN CNAME gtmem.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
proxy IN CNAME gtmpx.gtm.onat.gob.cu.

///////// the records in the reverse zone in internal view 14.168.192.interno.db

;Fichero de registros para la zona interna de gtm.onat.gob.cu
$TTL    86400
@       IN      SOA     gtmnd.gtm.onat.gob.cu.  root.gtm.onat.gob.cu.   (
                                2017102501      ;Serial
                                604800          ;Refresh
                                86400           ;Retry
                                2419200         ;Expire
                                604800          ;Defaul TTL
; PC(s) servidor(es) de nombre de dominio
        IN      NS      gtmnd.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
1       IN      PTR     gtmo.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
4       IN      PTR     gtmem.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
4 IN PTR mail.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
5       IN      PTR     gtmpx.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
5 IN PTR proxy.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
6       IN      PTR     gtmnd.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
///////// the records in the reverse zone in internal view 41.168.192.interno.db 

;Fichero de configuracion del DNS para la zona gtm.onat.gob.cu
$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA gtmnd.gtm.onat.gob.cu. root.gtm.onat.gob.cu. (
2017102501 ;Serial
604800 ;Refresh
86400 ;Retry
2419200 ;Expire
604800 ;Defaul TTL
; PC(s) servidor(es) de nombre de dominio
IN NS gtmad.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
; Registros de PC, servidores y otros

17 IN PTR gtmad.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
100 IN PTR p100.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
101 IN PTR P101.gtm.onat.gob.cu.
102 IN PTR P102.gtm.onat.gob.cu.

 Is that correct? or still I be lost?
 Some doudt. In the config of my shorewall that I send in my last message, everything look fine?
  Thank for your attention and my apologies for be out of the list themes.


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