On 19/02/2019 22:26, Simon Hobson wrote:

And your well earned retirement co-incides (almost, it happened 18
months ago) with me being made redundant and almost all the systems I
looked after (all running Shorewall) shut down because of a "I don't
understand it and it's not from Micro$oft so I'm getting rid of it"
manglement. Oh I did chuckle to myself when they killed the DNS for
about 100 domains (including their own) by shutting down the master
DNS and assuming the slaves would carry on serving the zones :-)

How funny this echoes to the "SARCASM" part of my last message :-)

That's how the world works. Smart people fade away and stupid twats take over. They don't understand anything and they only want "click here" buttons to solve their problems. Throughout my career, I've seen lots of them, looking like monkeys in surgical operating rooms...

People like Tom, and like other great guys behind high quality free software, are a rarity to be valued. They understand complexity and craft solutions to make it look easy to solve. Shorewall, in certain setups, brings configuration simplicity to hair pulling complexity situations if they were to be managed "by hand".

Thank you again Tom!


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