On 3/4/2019 8:55 PM, Ryan Joiner wrote:
On 3/4/2019 7:41 PM, Ryan Joiner wrote:
Hello there, I see a bunch of documentation on getting shorewall to work with GeoIP on Debian but I'm not finding much on Redhat. I'm wondering if there are .rpm packages available for CentOS 7? Or if there is any good how to out there that you have used and worked well?

I'm sorry, to be more specific I'm referring to getting xtables-addons installed. It seems for CentOS 7 I might need to build from source code but would prefer if there were trusted RPM's out there. I found some but they won't install due to requiring kmod and I can't find one that will work as it's dependency.

Thank you!

I'm so sorry for the dumb questions, I'm a newbie at geoip. I instead created an ipset named "us" and then did a rule in blrules

BLACKLIST:info  net:!+us        all

and this appears to be working based off my logs.

Is there anything dumb about this vs. using the xt_geoip and xtables-addons method?

My goal was to be able to open up TCP 587 on a mail server but I only need US ip's for sure to access it. So that's what I'm working towards.

Side note - it's been nice watching the community step up and also discuss carrying this awesome project on. Thanks to all!

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