On 5/5/19 11:58 AM, Andrey Andreev wrote:
> Thanks for the advice! I followed it and switched to systemd-networkd. NM is 
> stopped&disabled.
> But the issue with default route being pushed into table 254 by the 
> connection with static IP still persists. Here is the new net connections 
> setup:
> # /etc/systemd/network/10_enp3s0.network
> [Match]
> Name=enp3s0
> [Network]
> Description=enp3s0  -  ISP #1
> DHCP=ipv4
> DNS=
> DNS=
> [DHCP]
> #UseRoutes=false
> RouteMetric=50
> # /etc/systemd/network/20_enp1s0.network
> [Match]
> Name=enp1s0
> [Network]
> Description=enp1s0       -  ISP #2
> Address=
> DNS=
> DNS=
> [Route]
> Gateway=
> Metric=200
> In this state after network restart or cables plug out/in, 2 default routes 
> are created in table 254:
>     default via GW1 dev enp3s0 proto dhcp src WAN1 metric 50
>     default via .....    metric 200
> Manual shorewall restart is required to clean them.
> Uncommenting #UseRoutes=false stops the creation of first default route by 
> the dhcp connection.
> But there is no way to stop default route by static IP connection if GW is 
> defined. If GW is omitted, no default route is created but there is no 
> internet access through this connection either.

Then don't specify GW in the network config, and define it in
/etc/shorewall/providers instead.

> Similar was the situation with NM: DEFROUTE=no and GW exclude each other.
> How to solve this puzzle?

Don't know -- I run Debian which uses its own network configuration system.

> [Link] RequiredForOnline=no could make networkd insensitive to carrier loss, 
> but restoring default routes on boot and networkd restart will still take 
> place, I guess.

Also don't know -- never used systemd-networkd...
> One observation with the above systemd-networkd configuration: metric values 
> arrange the 2 default connections the way I need and yield some failover 
> behaviour on cable disconnect: 
> - when ISP1&2 are up (carrier available) the internet goes through ISP1 ruled 
> by metric=50,
> - when ISP1 is down (cable disconnected) the first default route disappears 
> and net goes automatically through ISP2, 
> - when ISP1 cable is reconneted the internet access is restored through ISP1 
> by a newly sreated default route.
> That would be enough if "connection UP" = "cable plugged in" and vice versa, 
> but that is not the case and here foolsm + shorewall should come in.
> I start asking myself if pulling cables or issuing ifdown/ifup commands is 
> the right thing to do to simulate no internet access.

ifup/ifdown is certainly wrong. But unplug/plug works if no other piece
of the system starts inserting routes in response.

> Carrier loss makes the network aware of the event and it takes some action.

But it usually doesn't cause routes to be deleted/added.

Is there a graceful way to cut out interactively just ping response?

You can try manually inserting a DROP iptables rule...

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Shoreline,         \     an international standard?
Washington, USA     \ A: Someone who makes you an offer you can't
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