Tom Eastep wrote:
On 5/23/19 4:06 AM, obones wrote:
However, I don't see where I should place the call to "ipset add" so that an IP is added to the set when the control connection is established. I looked at the extension scripts page, but I could not see anything here.

What have I missed?

I would:

a) Make a copy of macro.FTP in your /etc/shorewall directory.
b) Modify that copy as follows:

Thanks this put me on the right track, but the syntax is with colon as a separator, not comma. So, in the end, I ended up with adding the following two lines in the /etc/shorewall/macro.FTP file:

    DEL(FtpPassive:src)     - - tcp 21
    ADD(FtpPassive:src:600)  - - tcp 21

This way, I'm sure the timeout is reset every time a new connection is made by the same IP. And I also had to make the initdone code a bit different as it has to be written in PERL:

    system "ipset -exist create FtpPassive hash:ip timeout 600";
    my $return_value = $? >> 8;

With this and the rule already described, it works just fine and closes automatically the ports after a bit of inactivity.

Thanks a lot for your great help.


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