
I am looking for advice for setting up Shorewall on a host with 2 virtual machines.

Here my setup :
A machine (running Debian 9) is accessing internet through eth0.
On this machine, I set up a virtual bridge br0 with IP
I also set up two virtual machines (KVM) Machine A (vnet1 / and B (vnet2 /

I set up Shorewall by following this guide http://shorewall.org/KVM.html, that is to say with the simple two-interface masquerading setup where the local network interface is br0.
Everything is working.

Now I would like to filter the traffic between Machine A and Machine B (rejecting all traffic between A and B by default with some exceptions).
That's where i need advice on how to do this :-)

Should I need to set up another virtual bridge, attach each virtual machine to its own virtual bridge and define a zone for each virtual bridge ?
Or is this possible by tweaking the current setup ? If yes, how ?

Thanks in advance for help.


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