I rarely reboot but when I do, I have Shorewall just create an empty ipset from 
'init'.  These
h@ckorz are going to try again and simply get banned again.  I DROP anything in 
the ipset
at the beginning of the 'rules' file.  This keeps things from getting logged 
over and over.

I find using an ipset with fail2ban a simple approach.  It's easy to list, add 
to, or delete entries.


On 10/27/2019 5:57 PM, Nigel Aves wrote:
As a note, I'm a photographer who likes to run their own server for web sites / email server, but I am no sys-admin person. I have though been using Shorewall for a number of years now.

I've been building a new server to replace my aging server. Centos 7 / VirtualMin install for software / admin. BUT I have had to use Kernel 4.x so that the Ryzen processor was recognized correctly.

I copied all the shorewall files across, checked configuration and shorewall started up OK. But I could never get shorewall to start at boot. Tried all hints I could find on internet to no avail.

Loaded Shorewall-init, set up the conf file. But now every-time I tried to start it would fail with an error about the ipset "f2b" (- from fail2ban). I took all references out of the conf files for Shorewall, did a "shorewall compile". This seems to have solved the error messages I was getting.


1/  When using shorewall-init does shorewall itself have to be running, or is the compiled shorewall rules loaded directly into iptables?

2/ When using fail2ban should I still be trying to push the banned ip's into shorewall, or should I change the settings to push directly into iptables?

3/ Anything I might have missed ( )?

Kind  Regards - Nigel Aves.

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