On Thu, 17 Sep 2020 19:42:51 +0200
"Jord Wegge (Aqua Bio)" <jwe...@aquabio.be> wrote:

> Hello people,
> I'm looking for a way to keep 2 firewalls (shorewall obviously) in
> failover.
> There is a mentioning on the FAQ for this, but the link supplied is
> not valid any moreā€¦
> (FAQ 65) How do I accomplish failover with Shorewall?
> Answer: This article by Paul Gear
> <http://linuxman.wikispaces.com/Clustering+Shorewall> should help you
> get started.

That article is unfortunately completely out of date already.

I've been running shorewall in active-backup cluster setup successfully
by using packemaker for clustering. All vlans on both firewalls are
active all the time, both vlans have native address on all vlans and
one virtual address. Both firewalls have shorwall active all the time.

In case of failover cluster software moves virtual ip from firewall1 to
firewall2 and network continues to work in some seconds. Nothing else
changes but network flow moves from firewall to another.

Tuomo Soini <t...@foobar.fi>
Foobar Linux services
+358 40 5240030
Foobar Oy <https://foobar.fi/>

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