Hello everyone,

I’m getting an annoying number of smtp connection attempts from a specific IP 
address that has been going on for weeks now (several per minute).

I’m currently dropping these packets using a shorewall rule.

I’m thinking of setting up a tarpit to try to discourage the unwanted smtp 

Can someone point me to any appropriate documentation to do this?

I have seen the TARPIT sections in:

The man page for rules [1]
Tom’s Network config [2]

I also tried to search the mailing list archives at [3], but get an "Error 
523”, Origin is unreachable. 

To date, I have added the following line in my rules file:

"TARPIT                        net:<static IP>       dmz:$E_SMTP                
     tcp             smtp"

When I run shorewall check, it gives me the following error:

"ERROR: TARPIT requires TARPIT Target in your kernel and iptables 
/etc/shorewall/rules (line 40)”

My Shorewall version is

Debian Stable 10.6

Kind regards,

Bruce Bannerman 

[1] https://shorewall.org/manpages/shorewall-rules.html 

[2] https://shorewall.org/MyNetwork.html <https://shorewall.org/MyNetwork.html> 

[3] http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.security.shorewall 

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