On 10/7/20 4:14 AM, Vieri Di Paola wrote:
> Hi,
> If my rules allow HTTP and HTTPS access (ports 80, 443) with an ACCEPT
> rule such as the following
> ACCEPT    lan1:    wan    tcp,udp    80,443
> I'd like to know why I am seeing the following in the shorewall log
> when a user accesses a web page:
> kernel: Shorewall:wan-lan1:DROP:IN=wan OUT=lan.1
> MAC=ac:1f:6b:9b:85:06:30:85:a9:8e:b6:ab:08:00 SRC=<EXTERNAL_IP_ADDR>
> DST= LEN=103 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=63 ID=63665 DF
> Why is this packet dropped?

This occurs when the conntrack entry for a connection has been deleted,
but the server still thinks that the connection is being shut down. It
is not a valid packet to start a new connection, so your rule in the NEW
section of the rules file doesn't apply.

>  I'm expecting it to be an HTTPS reply which should be allowed by the
> above rule.
> What can I do to debug this?

I work around this with the following rule in both the INVALID and NEW
sections of my rules file.

FIN(ACCEPT)     { SOURCE=all, DEST=all }

I also have this in the same two locations:

RST(ACCEPT)     { SOURCE=all, DEST=all }

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Shoreline,         \    with an international standard?
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