On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 13:25:20 +0100
Marko Horn via Shorewall-users <shorewall-users@lists.sourceforge.net>

> i changed to "ipset".
> i did 2 ipsets,  blacklisting & whitelisting, these ipsets i
> reference in blrules.
> now, shorewall restart & check runs in seconds!
> the ipsets i update once a day.

Remember to set shorewall-init or shorewall (but only one of these) to
save ipsets. Or your shorewall will fail to start on boot.

Tuomo Soini <t...@foobar.fi>
Foobar Linux services
+358 40 5240030
Foobar Oy <https://foobar.fi/>

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